The Story of the White Tablecloth

Sometimes the smallest things can make a very big difference…. Many have shared the “Story of the White Tablecloth” around our DePaul community to emphasize the reverent dignity and care Vincent de Paul expected to be modeled by his followers in their service of others. In the Foundation documents and the Rules established for the […]

Nurturing the Mind and Spirit

Give some time in every day… “…Give some time in every day if it is only half an hour to devotional reading—which is as necessary to the well ordering of the mind as the hand of the gardener to prevent the weeds destroying your favorite flower.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1.171, To Anna Maria Seton, […]

Serving from the Heart

May you never take the attitude of merely getting the task done… “As for your conduct toward the sick, may you never take the attitude of merely getting the task done. You must show them affection; serving them from the heart; inquiring of them what they might need; speaking to them gently and compassionately.” Louise […]

New Watercolor Acquired

The Vincentiana Art Collection of the Division of Mission and Ministry of DePaul University has recently acquired a charming 19th-century sepia watercolor of Saint Vincent de Paul with Foundlings by the 19th-century British author Hannah Mary Rathbone (b. 1798. d. 1878). For more information about Rathbone’s life and literary career see her Wikipedia article:    

Love is Inventive to Infinity

“Love is inventive to infinity” – Vincent de Paul In the year 1617, in Châtillon, France, the new pastor Vincent de Paul preached about a sick and impoverished family who were in need of assistance. Vincent’s appeal proved so persuasive that it led many more people to respond to the family’s needs than was necessary. […]