Top Girls by Remy Bumppo

Top Girls, Remy Bumppo, closes 2/22/2020. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. LINDA GILLUM (Faculty), ANNABEL ARMOUR (GSD), and VAHISHTA VAFADARI (MFA, Acting, ’15/Faculty) are in the cast. COURTNEY O’NEILL (BFA, Theatre Arts, ’06/Faculty) is the scenic designer and KRISTINA FLUTY (Faculty) is the movement and intimacy coordinator.

Sugar in our Wounds by First Floor Theatre

Sugar in our Wounds, First floor Theatre at The Den Theatre, closes 11/23/2019. MIKAEL BURKE (MFA, Directing, ’18) directs. GRAINNE ORTLIEB (BFA, Acting, ’19) is in the cast. MADELINE ROSE BYRNE (BFA, Costume Design, ’19) is our costume designer. CATHERINE MILLER (BFA, Dramaturgy/Criticism, ’14) is the casting director.