Top Girls by Remy Bumppo

Top Girls, Remy Bumppo, closes 2/22/2020. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. LINDA GILLUM (Faculty), ANNABEL ARMOUR (GSD), and VAHISHTA VAFADARI (MFA, Acting, ’15/Faculty) are in the cast. COURTNEY O’NEILL (BFA, Theatre Arts, ’06/Faculty) is the scenic designer and KRISTINA FLUTY (Faculty) is the movement and intimacy coordinator.

American Players Theatre – Second Rep now playing!

A Doll’s House, American Players Theatre, closes 10/6/2019. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. CAROLYN HOERDEMANN (BFA, Acting, ’92/Faculty) is in the cast.

A Doll’s House, American Players Theatre, closes 10/6/2019. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. CAROLYN HOERDEMANN (BFA, Acting, ’92/Faculty) is in the cast.Fences, American Players Theatre, closes 9/28/2019. KAREN ALDRIDGE (MFA, Acting, ’01) is in the cast.


hang by Remy Bumppo Theatre Company

hang, Remy Bumppo Theatre Company at Greenhouse Theater Center, closes 4/29/2018. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. ANNABEL ARMOUR (GSD) is in the cast. SHADANA PATTERSON (MFA, Acting, ’15) is an understudy and VAHISHTA VAFADARI (MFA, Acting, ‘15) is the assistant dialect coach.

Source: hang | Remy Bumppo Theatre Company – Chicago Theater

A Funny Thing… by Route 66 Theatre

A Funny thing Happened on the Way to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit at Sloan-Ketting Memorial Cancer Center of New York CityRoute 66 at the Den Theatre, closes 9/23/2017. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. MARY WILLIAMSON (BFA, Acting, ’08) is in the cast. COURTNEY O’NEILL (BFA, Theatre Studies, ’06) is the scenic designer.



















Source: Route 66 Has Its A FUNNY THING…Cast and Creatives | PerformInk

The Columnist at American Blues Theater

The Columnist, American Blues Theater, closes 4/9/2017. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. IAN PAUL CUSTER (BFA, Acting, ’08) and KYMBERLY MELLEN (MFA, Acting, ’00 & Faculty), are in the cast.  JARED GOODING (BFA, Lighting Design, ’12) is the lighting designer, and ALEC LONG (BFA, Scenic design, ’12) is the props master.


Source: The Columnist – American Blues Theater