Seeds of the Mission Campaign

Reflections on Mission in our Current Times   “Every good work…we do is a grain of seed for eternal life.” – St. Elizabeth Seton ¹ “The review and possible revision of DePaul University’s Mission Statement is happening at an unprecedented time that combines many different aspects related to the Vincentian mission. The Covid-19 pandemic has unveiled […]

Division of Mission and Ministry Statement on the Dignity of Black Lives

Throughout history, prophets across many faith traditions shook their fists at God and people in positions of power, angry at injustice in the world. It is with devastation, heartache, and outrage, that we in the Division of Mission and Ministry share their lament. It is an indisputable truth that Black lives matter. The generations-long oppression […]

The Beauty of a Higher Purpose

“Virtue is so beautiful and amiable that they will be compelled to love it in you, if you practice it well.”1 In the remarkable short letter from which this quote was taken, Vincent responds to news that several of the missionaries would be travelling on a ship with “some heretics.” After briefly expressing his distress […]

Seeing with Vincentian Eyes

You will attain this happiness if you practice faithfully humility, gentleness, and charity toward the poor…1 Vincent de Paul remembered the moment captured in the featured illustration as pivotal for him in transforming his sense of mission and vocation. The sacred dignity of this poor, dying peasant became evident to him. With Madame de Gondi’s […]

Reflection, Day Five: Sustained by a Solid Foundation

By Minister Jené Colvin Religious Diversity & Pastoral Care Team Division of Mission & Ministry You ever say a word enough times or write it enough times that it doesn’t seem like a word anymore? (It’s called semantic satiation by the way. My spouse told me. It helps to be married to someone as nerdy […]

Reflection, Day Four: Woman Empowering Women

By Joyana Jacoby Dvorak Associate Director Vincentian Service & Formation Team Division of Mission & Ministry   All I really wanted to do was go dig for worms with my kids. I couldn’t tolerate having another Zoom meeting, creating another VoiceThread presentation, or developing a new virtual event. During a Zoom session with my class, […]

Reflection, Day Three: Resilient Creativity

By Emily LaHood-Olsen Vincentian Service & Formation Team Division of Mission & Ministry When my daughter gets older and asks me to recount life in a time of COVID-19, I will tell her about the day last week when we played in the courtyard in front of our building. Every time a neighbor walked outside, […]

Reflection, Day Two: The Many Hats of Louise

By Minister Jené Colvin Religious Diversity & Pastoral Care Team Division of Mission & Ministry   We have a confession. In planning for this week to honor St. Louise de Marillac today’s theme was “The Many Hats of Louise.” We wanted to focus on the wisdom we could glean from Louise in having to manage […]

Louise de Marillac Advises Mutual Support

Look at this woman in motion. As her spry steps fade, did you sense a breeze from the alacrity of her brisk and cheerful readiness? Yes, “We’ve seen this beautiful portrait.”(1) We recognize Louise de Marillac, friend and collaborator of Saint Vincent de Paul. Why do we still reminisce about her 360 years, or to […]