Man in the Ring at Court Theatre

Man in the Ring, Court Theatre, closes 10/16/2016.

GABRIEL RUIZ (BFA, Acting, ’08) and JACQUELINE WILLIAMS (BFA, Acting, ’87) are in the cast. JOHN CULBERT (Dean) is the scenic designer, KEITH PARHAM (BFA, Lighting Design, ’98) is the lighting designer, and NOELLE  THOMAS (BFA, Scene Design, ’99) is the assistance scenic designer. LEEA AYERS (MFA, Acting, ’16) and BERNARD GILBERT (MFA, Acting, ’16) are understudies.

Source: Court Theatre

Scarcity at Redtwist Theatre

Scarcity, Redtwist Theatre, closes 10/16/2016. DEBRA RODKIN (BFA, Acting, ’82) is in the cast and HARRISON WEGER(BFA, Acting, ’16) is an understudy. ELYSE BALOGH (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the scenic charge and CATHERINE MILLER (BFA, Dramaturgy/Criticism, ’14) is the dramaturg and casting director

Source: Redtwist Theatre

True West by the Shattered Globe Theatre 

True West, Shattered Globe Theatre at Theatre Wit, closes 10/22/2016. MORGAN LAKE (BFA, Sound Design, ’15) is the sound designer, GREG PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the scenic designer, and SARAH JO WHITE (BFA, Costume Design, ’13).

Source: Shattered Globe Theatre :: Chicago Theater | True West – CLOSED