Creating a Community of Care

Mother Teresa once suggested that the world is hurting because “we have forgotten that we belong to one another.”[1] It occurs to me that whenever we have an opportunity to remember we are part of the same human family, and to respond to one another with love, the best of our shared humanity is revealed. […]

Purposeful Self-Care

We must be full reservoirs in order to let our water spill out without becoming empty, and we must possess the spirit with which we want them to be animated, for [we cannot] give what [we do] not have.[i] There are times at DePaul when we think working in a “Vincentian” way means remaining tirelessly […]

Louise-Style Creative Solutions to Organizing, Mutual Aid, Community, Self-Care, and Action

From the devastation of COVID-19 to the manifestations of deeply rooted white supremacy and other hardships, the challenges we faced in 2020 have sparked a movement among communities to create social change. During a year of tragedy and refuge inside our homes, we have had to be innovative in efforts. Some of us have been […]

Programs and Spaces for Community Dialogue and Pastoral Care

November 2-6 Between the pandemic, politics, and quickly approaching quarter finals, we’re coming up on a particularly charged week. Mission & Ministry is providing a variety of ways to be together to listen, to process or just breathe. Below is a line-up of services and programs offered to faculty, staff and students.   FACULTY & STAFF  Individual Pastoral Support for Faculty and […]

Self Care

“It seems to me that you are killing yourself from the little care you take of yourself.” -Vincent de Paul (to Louise de Marillac) Vincent de Paul cannot claim to have invented the idea of “self-care,” but he absolutely understood its value. Vincent knew that in order for him and his peers to effectively serve […]

Publication Notice: “Les Lazaristes aux Mascareignes aux XVIIe et XIXe siecles: Ile Bourbon et Ile de France”

LES LAZARISTES AUX MASCAREIGNES AUX XVIIIE ET XIXE SIÈCLES Ile Bourbon (La Réunion) et Ile de France (Maurice) Marc Thieffry HISTOIRE RELIGIONS CHRISTIANISME OCÉAN INDIEN Ile Maurice Réunion La Congrégation de la Mission a été fondée en 1625 par Saint Vincent de Paul. Ses membres s’appellent les lazaristes ou prêtres de Saint-Lazare. Pendant plus d’un […]

Care for our Common Home – A Vincentian Response to Laudato Si’

In June 2015 Pope Francis released Laudato Si’, a papal response to the global environmental crisis that outlines a vision for our common home. DePaul University offers an urban education that prepares students to address the ecological challenges we face in the 21st century.

Recentering on Our Vocation

Resources, News, Events and Happenings related to the integration of DePaul’s Vincentian mission into the ongoing life and work of the university community. Mission Monday Recentering on Our Vocation The summer offers time and space to remember, discover, and recenter on what matters most and why we do what we do. …read more     […]