Book of the Week: Praying with Vincent de Paul

Praying with Vincent de Paul by Thomas F. McKenna, C.M. (Chicago: Vincentian Studies Institute, 2011), pp. 107.  ISBN: 978-1-936696-02-1.  Originally published by St. Mary’s Press in 1994 this volume appeared in their popular “Praying with…” series.  St. Mary’s Press has discontinued the series.  This reprint includes new translations from Coste and updates citations.

From the book jacket:

“Saint Vincent de Paul models the fullness of a Christian life that is prayerfully active and actively prayerful. He found and served God in theanawim-poor people, sick people, the abandoned outcasts in the countryside and in the cities. Vincent will be a good companion to anyone who seeks balance between action and contemplation, between organizing good works and relying on divine providence, between intelligent activity and trusting surrender.”

Thomas F. McKenna, C.M., presently serves as the provincial director for the new Saint Louise province of the Daughters of Charity headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.