Sugar in our Wounds, First floor Theatre at The Den Theatre, closes 11/23/2019. MIKAEL BURKE (MFA, Directing, ’18) directs. GRAINNE ORTLIEB (BFA, Acting, ’19) is in the cast. MADELINE ROSE BYRNE (BFA, Costume Design, ’19) is our costume designer. CATHERINE MILLER (BFA, Dramaturgy/Criticism, ’14) is the casting director.
First Floor Theatre
Hooded or Being Black for Dummies at First Floor Theater
Hooded or Being Black for Dummies, First Floor Theatre, closes 11/17/2018. MIKAEL BURKE (MFA, Directing, ’18) directs. JALEN GILBERT (BFA, Acting, ’16), CAROLINE HENDRICKS (BFA, acting, ’18), JAYSON LEE (BFA, Acting, ’19), LAUREN PIZZI MONTGOMERY (MFA, Acting, ’11), CASEY MORRIS (MFA, Acting, ’15) are in the cast. MATTHEW LOLAR-JOHNSON (BFA, Acting, ’18) and GRACIE MEIER (BFA, Theatre Management, ’17) are understudies. OWÉ PREYE ENGOBOR (BFA, Costume Design, ’18) is the costume designer, CATHERINE MILLER (BFA, Dramaturgy/Criticism, ’14) is the casting director, and JENNIFER WERNAU (BFA, Scene Design, ’18) is the properties designer.
First Floor Theater is a Chicago storefront theater in residence at The Den Theatre in Wicker Park.
American Hero by First Floor Theater
American Hero, First Floor Theatre, closes 6/3/2017. BRIAN McKNIGHT (MFA, Acting, ’01/Faculty) and ANNIE PRICHARD (MFA, Acting, ’12) are in the cast. SARAH JO WHITE (BFA, Costume Design, ’13) is the costume designer.
Source: First Floor Theater