Diary of a Worm, Spider, & a Fly at Emerald City Theatre

Diary of a Worm, a Spider, & a Fly, Emerald City Theatre at the Apollo Theatre, closes 1/7/2017. JEN ELLISON (BFA, Acting, ’96) directs. CHRISTIAN COOK (MFA, Acting, ’16) is in the cast. GREG PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the scenic designer and SARAH JO WHITE (BFA, Costume Design, ’13) is the costume designer.

Emerald City Theatre's DIARY OF A WORM, A SPIDER, AND A FLY

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/emeraldcitytheatre/29911403732/in/album-72157673334948472


The Last Wife at TimeLine Theatre

The Last Wife, TimeLine Theatre, closes 12/18/2016. NICK BOWLING (MFA, Directing, ’96) directs. PAOLA SANCHEZ ABREU (BFA, Acting, ’16) is in the cast. LaNORA HAYDEN (MFA, Acting, ’16) and SAM KREY (BFA, Acting, ’16) are understudies. TOY DEIORIO (Faculty) is the sound designer and JILL PEREZ (BFA, Theatre Art, ’16) is the assistant director.

Source: The Last Wife | TimeLine Theatre