Sender at A Red Orchid Theatre

Sender, A Red Orchid Theatre, closes 5/29/16. IKE HOLTER (BFA Playwriting program, ’03-’07) is the playwright. McKENZIE CHINN (MFA, Acting, ’11), STEVE HAGGARD (BFA, Acting, ’02), and MARY WILLIAMSON (BFA, Acting, ’08) are in the cast.

Source: ‘Sender’ puts out a status update for millennials trying to hook up – Chicago Tribune

The House of Blue Leaves at Raven Theatre

The House of Blue Leaves, Raven Theatre, closes 6/18/16. JoANN MONTEMURRO (BFA, Acting, ’81) directs. NOAH SIMON (MFA, Acting, ’13) is in the cast. MARY O’DOWD (MFA Acting program, ’93-‘95) is the props designer, KENDRA THULIN (MFA, Acting, ’96) is the dialect coach, and DAVID WOLLEY (BFA, Acting, ’81) is the fight choreographer.

Source: The House of Blue Leaves | Raven Theatre