Mental Health Support in AAPI Communities

In May we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, a time where we raise awareness of the toll mental health can have and the many stigmas associated with mental health among many other mental health-related aspects. Through social media campaigns, events and even screenings, organisations across the United States participate in providing key resources for something that affects us all. In that same breath, just as many organisations come together during May to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The contributions and influence that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made in the U.S. are highlighted and acknowledged. That is why it is only fitting that the intersection between these two is recognised.

While the U.S. categorises many into the term AAPI, we understand and recognise that encompassed within are a wide range of unique and diverse identities, countries, nationalities, and ethnicities. Many who have not only experienced great joy and achievement but unfortunately have also experienced a variety of different challenges, struggles, and trauma. Through the perpetuated model minority myth, various microaggressions, and physical violence, AAPI communities have been and continue to be unjustly treated.

Before we can dive deep into ways to support and resources, understanding barriers to support is the first step as we seek to overcome them. While there are a few, there is still very limited knowledge about AAPI mental health as a result of limited studies which have included individuals from AAPI Communities. “According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, serious mental illness (SMI) rose from 2.9 per cent (47,000) to 5.6 per cent (136,000) in AAPI people ages 18-25 between 2008 and 2018.” (

Many young Asian Americans do not seek professional help for their mental concern but rather they turn to their networks. Another thing we see is the lack of awareness for resources along with the still existing stigma around mental health within AAPI communities. This could be considered one of the biggest deterrents for seeking professional help. Other factors include cultural identity, faith, language barriers, and access to insurance and healthcare.

Firstly, as an ally allowing members of the AAPI communities to take charge in spaces and conversations relating to issues they are facing is a major facet of support. Lettings their voices to be the ones heard and amplifying them are good ways to start. Being mindful of language and phrases used when speaking about or addressing members of AAPI communities is also important. Ensuring that stigmatising or stereotypical words are not used and accepting correction can go a long way; again listen to what members of the communities are saying. Additionally don’t be afraid to reach out and show solidarity and support. Check-in and provide resources when you come across them. This goes back to the conversation about de-stigmatisation of mental health issues, show you care with a listening ear (if you have the bandwidth to do so!). Lastly, simply asking, “how can I support you” allow whoever it is to be in charge of the way they receive support. Do they need you to just be that listening ear? Do they just want a space to talk through things and need resources to do so? The answer only comes when you respect their dignity and ask.

For those seeking resources whether for themselves or others, here are some both on and off-campus.

Some resources at DePaul include the APIDA Cultural Center within the Office of Multicultural Student Success, the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, and University Counselling services.

Off-campus, the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum is focused is improving health among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association has a wealth of resources including a directory of mental health service providers for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders as does which is a directory of South Asian therapists of various heritages. The University of Connecticut’s Asian and Asian American Studies Institute partnered with the #IAMNOTAVIRUS campaign and the Asian American Literary Review to provide a Mental Health Workbook that includes literature, journals, and lots more resources to support Asian American mental health.

Wellness Wednesday: Healthy Study Habits

With finals approaching, many of us (me included!) are trying our best to get a head and start studying. However, it may be difficult with remaining assignments and classes. Soon we find ourselves not studying as effectively as we can or stressing out over finals. School is difficult and finding a way to study can be even more difficult especially if you’ve never nailed down a way to study that works for you.


While I won’t be telling you how to study, as everyone studies differently, I will be sharing some effective study habits that may help you find something that works for you! So the next time you decide you are able to dedicate some study time, try these 10 effective study hacks;


Choose specific times to study
A routine helps mental preparation for studying. Whether that’s in the morning, mid-day, the afternoon, or even at night. Figure out what works for you.

Set goals for each study period
This helps you stay focused and accomplish what you need to. For example, covering a specific topic or chapter in one sitting, or a time goal like studying uninterrupted for 25 minutes.

Stick to the plan
Procrastination only leads to more stress and can cause you to not do how you would like to. Try to stay focused on the plan you set forward to complete your work on time. Things like setting a timer and sticking to that and then taking a break may be helpful, but also recognizing when you might need to just step away for a bit especially if you are hungry, tired, etc. (paying attention to your needs) is important.

Tackle difficult assignments first
When mental energies are the highest do the most tasking assignments first then move on to the more medium in difficulty and end with the easiest assignments.

Review class notes
Be sure you understand the material, find ways to help you understand better, whether it’s highlighting, rewriting, or talking out loud!

Ask for help
When necessary, go to an SI session, or TA office hours, email your professor, or ask a question in class or lab. No question is a bad question. Often times if you have that question so do others in your class.

Take short breaks
Walk away for a moment to refresh your energy, have a snack, move, do whatever helps you re energize.

Plan on reviewing
It’s important to set time to review even if there isn’t an exam coming. Reviewing even just a little can be beneficial in the long run.

Study how you learn best
Everyone learns differently so do what works for you – draw charts, read the textbook, write notes etc.

Maintain a positive attitude
A positive mindset can make a difficult subject easier to learn. Perhaps doing brief meditation or deep breathing before tackling a subject might be of help, or saying a few positive affirmations such as “I am doing my best at this subject” or “I am actively working towards doing my best.” Even if it may not be something you’re excited about try to find ways to relate it to what you do enjoy.


Lastly, perhaps the most beneficial healthy study habit is to practice self-care. It can get pretty stressful sometimes but creating a self-care plan and being intentional with your self-care is important. Doing things like going outside, avoiding media overload, setting boundaries, and making time for your hobbies can help you get through finals without getting burnt out.


Coping with COVID Away from Home

When I first left my home country to come to the United States I was not sure what exactly to expect. I was about to start a new chapter in my life. I was both nervous and excited, a feeling that somehow reminded me of Jonas in Lois Lowry’s The Giver, but I wasn’t afraid. Home, the Commonwealth of Dominica, was only a plane ride away, I had nothing to fear and was enjoying the opportunity given to me. I was so happy when I started university at DePaul, I finally had an idea of the direction of my life, what I wanted to do, granted I had to keep editing bits and pieces here and there. I was content. This isn’t to say that it was without ups and downs, even though I was happy in Chicago, I still missed home. 

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Wellness Wednesday- Refresh Sleep

One of the most important activities in our day is sleep. It is as important as food, water, and air and very much an active period in our day. Scientists are still looking into how and why our bodies are programmed for sleep, but what we do understand is sleep’s critical function and why we need it for optimal health and well-being. In today’s Wellness Wednesday we talked about sleep, but more so how to refresh our sleep. Watch a recording of of it right here.

For university students, good sleep may sometimes be difficult to achieve. You may find yourself pulling all-nighters, feeling groggy during the day, or even find yourself constantly waking up during the night. While studying and ensuring assignments are turned in on time are important for university students, so is sleep!

There are two basic types of sleep; non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Sleep begins with NREM  which occurs within minutes or even seconds of falling asleep. NREM is marked by stages 1 to 4, with stage 2 being repeated before finally entering REM sleep. REM is usually achieved about 90 minutes after the onset of sleep. REM usually lasts only a short time at first but lengthens with each cycle and can last up to an hour.

Stages of Sleep – The Dream Merchant's Shop

So why should you care or even invest in sleep resources? Sleep helps to improve our memory, and decreases stress and anxiety. It is vital for both physical neurological reasons. Sleep helps to repair tissues throughout the body and helps to strengthen our immune system. It’s important to remember that quality sleep improves the brain’s ability to consolidate and process factual information. With good sleep, the brain can better collect and store memories, which is helpful not just in our academic lives, but in all aspects. What would happen if we didn’t get enough sleep? Well, lack of sleep has often been linked to decreased memory, poor immune function, cardiovascular disease, impaired judgement and depression among other health issues.

Now you’ve had the what, asked the why, so here’s the how. As we continue to social distance and stay at home, it is important to keep healthy sleep habits. Things such as alcohol, caffeine, and even technology can interfere in our quality of sleep.  Here are three easy measures you can take right now to refresh your sleep.

  1. Utilize technology

Sleep apps, circadian alarm clocks, or even white noise devices can help you get a more restful sleep. They can help with logging sleep, doing meditation before bed, and even mimic natural sunlight to wake you up more naturally.


  1. Keep a sleep journal or routine

A sleep routine is a series of actions you can perform each night before going to bed. These actions can help prepare your mind and body for rest. A sleep routine can help you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep during the night. Your routine is unique to you! Make it yours! Some examples of things you can include are creating a cozy environment, making sure your room is at the right temperature, quiet and dark, reading a chapter from a book or using a diffuser.


  1. Try Mindfulness meditation

Studies show that mindfulness meditation is helpful for sleep because it evokes a relaxation response by breaking your train of thought. This technique involves focusing on your breathing and bringing your mind to the present, focusing on the now rather than the past or future. Mindfulness can be practiced at any time of the day and doesn’t have to be done for a long period of time. Even a minute or two can help in practicing mindfulness.


So what are you doing to refresh your sleep?

If you’d like more information on how to refresh your sleep make sure to sign up for our Refresh Sleep email-based program by midnight on April 22, 2020. Sign up with this link: