Bonjour! Je m’appelle Dana Jabri and I am a Muslim Interfaith Scholar for this 2012-2013 academic year. After spending eight days with my fellow scholars in Paris, the ‘Frenchness’ I can say has taken a toll on me a bit. Every year the University Ministry at DePaul University opens leadership positions as an opportunity for DePaul students to become a part of the larger ‘faith-based’ community. DePaul chooses a diverse group of students who will fulfill the responsibility of connecting and establishing religious diversity on campus. For this academic year, DePaul has seven dedicated Student Interfaith Scholars from various faith backgrounds to work on interfaith projects and activities. Follow this link for the Scholars information and biographies.

During each meeting one of the Scholars prepares a prayer before we continue with our meeting’s agenda. We reflect and pray in unison. To me the prayer segment of the meeting is the most meaningful part of the meeting because here you are sitting amongst a wonderfully diverse group of students and each speaks their minds and hearts for those 60 seconds or so.
For the first meeting – this is what I prayed for.
“Oh Lord, make our prayers the blossoming springs of our hearts, the light of our chests, and the dispeller of our sadness and griefs.
Oh Lord, you are the best of Protectors and the best of those who give help. Glory be to You. We cannot account for the praises that are due to You.
Oh Lord, Bless us with contentment and make beloved to us prayer.
Oh Lord, make us fearful and conscious of You as if we see You and grant us happiness through Reverence of You.
Oh Lord, join together and unite our hearts, and allow our end to be concluded with righteous deeds.
Oh, Lord may You strengthen our bonds as Scholars and friends through the successes and challenges we will face this year.
Amen, Amen, Amen.”
By: Dana Jabri 2012-2013