The Sisters Sent a Message… Prayer: Part 3

Two remarkable women have taught us the power of perseverance, presence, and prayer. Feeling the pain that detention and deportation inflict not only on those caught within the system, but also upon their families, friends, and communities, Sisters Pat Murphy, RSM, and JoAnn Persch, RSM, have combined a compassionate spirit with a passionate advocacy for immigrant rights as human rights. Through decades of involvement in healing ministries for those experiencing persecution, pastoral care for the detained, prayer vigils for the deported, and providing faithful education to politicians and government officials, they have modeled engaged, faithful living for generations of DePaul University students and other students and seminarians throughout the nation. We celebrate this link between generations strengthened by a common love for the dignity of each person through this three part documentary, “The Sisters Sent a Message…Perseverance, Presence and Prayer.” We invite you to join their call for compassion and care.

If you would like more information or if you would like to volunteer with the Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants, see: We also give thanks to the staff and volunteers of the other organizations that helped us to produce this video: DePaul University Office of Mission and Values:… El Refugio, Lumpkin, Georgia:; the National Immigrant Justice Center:; and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights: [ICIRR Is incorrectly identified in the credits under it’s old name Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Protection, we apologize for the error]