Teenage Dick, Theater Wit, remote viewing extended through 5/3/2020. BRIAN BALCOM (MFA, Directing, ’16) directs. SARAH PRICE (BFA, Acting, ’12) is in the cast.
Theater Wit
Love Letters at Theater Wit
Love Letters, Theater Wit, closes 8/5/2018. KAY ROGERS HENDERSON (Cert, Acting, ’81) and ROBERT KURCZ (Cert, Acting, ’81) both perform in and produce the show.
Source: Theater Wit: Box Office
Significant Other at Theater Wit
Significant Other, Theater Wit, closes 12/10/2017. KEIRA FROMM (MFA, Directing, ’09) directs. TIFFANY OGLESBY (MFA, Acting, ’14) is in the cast. NOEL HUNTZINGER (Faculty) is the costume designer.
Source: Theater Wit: smart art
Bad Jews by Theater Wit
Bad Jews, Theater Wit at Royal George Theatre, closes 10/4/15. IAN PAUL CUSTER (BFA, Acting, ‘08) and CORY KAHANE (BFA, Acting, ‘12) are in the cast.