Voyage by Cock and Bull Theatre

Voyage, Cock and Bull Theatre at The Chopin Theatre, closes 8/1/15. CHRIS PEAK (MFA, Directing, ’04) directed. MEG ELLIOTT (MFA, Acting, ’10), EDDY KARCH (MFA, Acting, ’09), CASEY MORRIS (MFA, Acting, ’15), and TUCKIE WHITE (BFA, Acting, ’09) are in the cast. LAURA (HARRISON) RESINGER (MFA, Acting, ’15) is an understudy. SARAH JACKSON (BFA, Acting, ’10) is the production director, SARAH HECHT (MFA, Acting, ’10) is the assistant director, AIDEN KENT (BFA, Stage Management, ’17) is the stage manager, GREGORY PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the set designer, MATT REICH (BFA, Sound Design, ’15) is the sound designer, JANIE KILLIPS (BFA, Playwriting, ’15) is the video artist, KATHY FEROLITO (BFA, Theatre Arts, ’17) is the production dramaturg, and CHRISTIAN ESPARZA (BFA, Costume Technology, ’15) is the assistant costume designer/costume technician.

Source: Production History of Cock and Bull — Cockandbull

A Widow of No Importance by Rasaka Theatre

A Widow of No Importance, Rasaka Theatre at Victory Gardens, closes 2/21/16. LAVINA JADHWANI (MFA, Directing, ’15) is the director. VAHISHTA VAFADARI (MFA, Acting, ’15) is in the cast. KAITLYN GUERRIERI (BFA, Stage Management, ’13) is the stage manager, GREGORY PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the scenic designer, and MATTHEW REICH (BFA, Sound Design, ’15) is the sound designer.

Source: A Widow of No Importance | Victory Gardens Theater