Theatre School alum JONATHAN MEIER (MFA, Acting, ’85) is awarded with the Illinois Theatre Association’s 2019 Award of Honor. From the original article on the Mundelein High School website:
“Jonathan Meier, director of Mundelein Theatre at Mundelein High School, was recently presented with the Illinois Theatre Association’s (ITA)2019 Award of Honor. The organization’s highest honor, the award was presented as part of the Illinois Theatre Association’s Annual Red Carpet Gala, held at Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook.“I don’t know if I was more honored or shocked when I received the notification. The Illinois Theatre Association is an organization that is near and dear to my heart and to receive this honor from them is special beyond words,” Meier said.Each year the ITA recognizes both individuals and organizations for their significant contributions of promoting quality theatre throughout Illinois. Meier was nominated by the ITA community, approved by its divisional representatives and accepted by ITA’s board of directors.“We are grateful and fortunate that Jonathan found his way back from the business world to the world of theatre education,” said Aimee-Lynn Newlan, executive director of the ITA. “We appreciate his service on the ITA Board as a Secondary School Theatre Representative, and, of course, serving on the Finance Committee,” she said. “We cherish his participation in the Illinois High School Theatre Festivals. We admire that, aside from an 18-year banking stint, both his personal and professional life have been immersed in the world of theatre.”“I was especially honored to have so many MHS administrators and theatre staff in attendance at the Gala to help me celebrate,” Meier said. “I think it speaks volumes as to the level of support for theatre and the arts in general at Mundelein High School.””
