Warm on the Coolin’Board

As MPAACT Puts It: Everybody has a plan, and Day is no exception. He has a plan for his baby brother Brian. Trouble is – Brian is off plan. He’s taking a break from college and picking up the family business, stripping the Roseland community to the bone. This decaying community is being pillaged by its own inhabitants, its politicians, and its few remaining businesses. As Day and Brian work to find their place in a community that is literally being picked clean, they struggle to come to grips with whether they are hastening the process, or part of the restoration.

TTS Alumni Included: Rich Oliver (MFA Acting 2023).

MPAACT is a multidisciplinary theatre arts organization dedicated to producing original works by the nation’s finest theatre artisits. Based in Chicago since 1991, MPAACT has built a reputation for innovation and excellence by solely producing world premiere productions which utilize language, music, and movement in a manner that captivates both the critical and commercial audience. The style of production has been labeled Afrikan Centered Theatre.

Warm on the Coolin’Board Closes June 2nd 2024

Tickets Can Be Found Here.

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