Zesa Wellness offers evidence-based mindfulness programs for the healthcare workplace. Founded in 2016 by co-owners Ashely Hardcastle and Dr. Maitri Vaidya. Both hold a strong background in philosophy, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Zesa lands in the industry of ‘Occupational Wellness’ which is a fast and growing industry.
This is a public company with a B2B business model of consulting with Wellness Coordinators in the healthcare industry to gain clientele. The business model is constructed of offering several types of courses. Currently the top courses have been self-compassion, cultivating gratitude, and connection and communication.
“My favorite part of this business is that I am able to really explore the act of mindfulness with these professionals”
“The classes that really helped me prepare for this role was IME. In those courses I learned how to successfully research a company and utilize the databases and research tools provided by Depaul University, and also gained the skills and the lengths of which research details are most important for my client”