This Vincentian Studies Institute research library at the John T. Richardson Library of DePaul University has acquired a rare copy (1826) of Alexander Dallas’ proposal for the establishment in England of a Protestant version of the Soeurs de la Charite of France. Dallas (1791-1869) was an Anglican clergyman interested in the conversion of Catholic in Ireland among other causes. His father had been a friend of Lord Byron.
rare item acquisition
Newsnote: Vincentian Rare Book Purchase: The Berceau of Saint Vincent de Paul: 1906
“Le Berceau de Saint Vincent de Paul. Nouveaux Documents sur la Famille et sur la Maison Natale de Saint Vincent. 24 Avril 1906. 330e anniversaire de la naissance de Saint Vincent de Paul.” This volume contains much interesting information on these topics including the above illustration which shows the historic re-alignment and re-creation of St. Vincent’s birthplace for the 1864 creation of the modern Berceau.
VHRN Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week 19th century stereoview of the Church of Saint Laurent Paris
This rare early stereoview shows the Church of Saint Laurent in Paris before the 1864 renovations caused by the construction of the Boulevard Magenta. During these renovations the Baroque facade of the church as known by Saint Vincent and Saint Louise was replaced with the present neo-gothic facade. The baroque facade itself had been added to the original 15th century gothic church. During the final years of Vincent and Louise’s lives the church bell-tower was added. The church was the parish church for the area around Saint-Lazare and was the location of Louise’s burial from 1660 to 1755.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week “The Berceau of Saint Vincent de Paul.”
The Vincentiana Collection at Archives and Special Collections of DePaul University recently purchased a turn of the 20th century commemorative book on the Berceau of Saint Vincent de Paul. The work illustrates the shrine, the orphanage, hospice, and ecole apostolique all works of the confreres and sisters that surrounded the shrine. Of particular interest is a rare view of the previous shrine.
Newsnote: Rare Pre-Revolutionary Saint-Lazare shrine medal purchased
The Vincentiana Collection at the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s John Richardson Library has recently purchased what we believe to be the only known extant medal of the original shrine of Vincent de Paul located before the French Revolution at old Saint-Lazare on the rue Saint-Denis. Even though the medal is in degraded condition from being buried in soil, the reverse clearly shows the pre-revolutionary chasse that housed the saint’s remains after his beatification in 1729. After the revolution, the Lazaristes at new Saint-Lazare on the rue de Sevres reproduced this medal but with the image of the new Oudiot chasse that was the center-piece of the new chapel which received Vincent’s remains in April of 1830.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week: 19th century French Daughter of Charity mortuary card
This newly-acquired mid-to-late 19th century French card was among those designed to be used as memorial cards for deceased Daughters of Charity. The card depicts a Daughter being guided to heaven by Saint Vincent de Paul to be received by the Savior. The Vincentiana collection at the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s Richardson Library now has a number of these cards in its collection.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week: Rare 19th century holy card of Vincent de Paul
This mid-to-late 19th century, color, holy card has an unusual depiction of St. Vincent on a battlefield
with confreres and a Daughter of Charity ministering in the background. This is no doubt inspired by a similar original 18th century painting from Saint-Lazare now in the parish church of Sainte-Marguerite in Paris. The legend at the bottom of the card reads: “St. Vincent communicated his spirit so well to his children that they braved famine and the plague to care for the wounded and dying.”
This card was recently acquired for the Vincentiana collection in the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s John T. Richardson Library.
Newsnote: “Vincentiana Purchase of the Week” Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and Foundlings
The Vincentiana Collection of Archives and Special Collections at DePaul University has acquired this beautifully hand-colored engraving (12×17) of Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and the Foundlings. The combination of “Blessed St.” is highly unusual. The print is dated from the second quarter of the 19th century. The legend at the bottom of the engraving reads: Le Bienheureuse St. Vincent de Paul, Fondateur de la Congregation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charite.
Newsnote: “Vincentiana Purchase of the Week” Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and Foundlings
The Vincentiana Collection of Archives and Special Collections at DePaul University has acquired this beautifully hand-colored engraving (12×17) of Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and the Foundlings. The combination of “Blessed St.” is highly unusual. The print is dated from the second quarter of the 19th century. The legend at the bottom of the engraving reads: Le Bienheureuse St. Vincent de Paul, Fondateur de la Congregation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charite.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week: Rue du Bac (interior photo). c. 1890
The Vincentiana Collection at DePaul University’s Archives and Special Collections Department recently acquired this sepia tone photograph c. 1890. The location is the old seminary. The occasion is certainly a Marian Feast, perhaps the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Interior photos of the rue du Bac maison mere are very rare.