The Vincentiana Collection in Archives/Special Collections of DePaul University has recently acquired a copy of a cantata for four voices composed by “Mr. J.B. p.d.l.m.” The work is dedicated to the then superior general of the Congregation of the Mission and the Company of the Daughters of Charity: Monsieur Antoine Fiat. The work is dated 27 May 1900 which was the date of Clet’s beatification. It was published at the Economat of the Daughters of Charity at Rue du Bac, 140.
rare item acquisition
Newsnote: Carte de Visite: Jean-Baptiste Etienne c. 1870
The Vincentiana Collection of the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University has acquired a carte-de-visite of Jean-Baptiste Etienne (1801-1874) the 14th superior general of the Congregation of the Mission and the Company of the Daughters of Charity. The image shows an elderly Etienne. It is estimated to have bee taken c. 1870 when Monsieur Etienne celebrated the 50th anniversary of his entrance into the Congregation. Cartes-de-visite were tremendously popular in mid to late 19th century France, and photography studios sprung up throughout Paris and the rest of France.
The photographer August Coudret had his studio on the boulevard Saint-Jacques. He began his professional work in 1867, thus supporting the dating of this photograph as c. 1870.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week Early 19th century transferware plate of Saint Vincent
The Vincentiana Collection in Archives and Special Collections at DePaul University’s Richardson Library has recently acquired an early-19th century decorative transferware plate depicting Saint Vincent de Paul rescuing foundlings in the snow-covered streets. This types of decorative plates were very popular in bourgeois households. This plate is numbered “6” in a series entitled “Morale en action.” The idiosyncratic spelling of Vincent de Paule dates it from the first third of the 19th century. The Vincentiana collection has a number of these plates in its collection.
Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week. Rare 18th century images of Daughters of Charity
The Vincentiana Collections of the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s Richardson Library has recently acquired four very rare pre-revolutionary (18th century) hand-colored images depicting Daughters of Charity. These images are small (approx. 2 by 3 inches). The style of the sisters’ habits, the printing font, and type of paper all suggest this dating.
Newsnote: 19th century French Sisters in China Oeuvre de Saint-Enfance
The Vincentiana Collection of DePaul University’s Archives and Special Collections has recently acquired two late 19th century pious images of Daughters of Charity serving in the China missions. These were issued by the Oeuvre de Sainte Enfance a Paris-based charity (founded in 1843) supporting the foreign missions especially for the rescue and baptism of children.
The Daughters were major recipients of the support of this organization.
Newsnote: Daughter of Charity Heroine of the French Resistance: Sr. Helene Studler
The Vincentiana Collection at the Special Collections Department at DePaul University recently acquired the memorial card for Sr. Helene Studler, a Daughter of Charity decorated for her work in the French Resistance during World War II.
Here is a link to a 1989 Vincentian Heritage Article:…
There is also a very informative Wikipedia article on Sister Helene.
Newsnote: Exciting Purchase: “Ex Libris Ludovici de Marillac”
The Vincentiana Collection at DePaul University’s Archives and Special Collections today acquired a 1637 edition of the Roman Pontifical (Bishop’s Sacramentary) issued under the authority of Pope Urban VIII and the Archbishop of Paris. The volume belonged to Saint Louise de Marillac and is autographed: “ex libris Ludovici de Marillac.” This is an important and exciting purchase to add to DePaul University’s growing Vincentian Special Collections.
Newsnote: “Rare 19th century embroidery portrait of Vincent de Paul”
The Vincentiana Collections at DePaul University’s Archives and Special Collections has recently purchased an early 19th century embroidered portrait of Vincent de Paul. The face of the saint is drawn while the rest of the details of his portrait are done with silk embroidery. This piece will be part of the upcoming (January 2017) exhibition in DePaul’s Art Museum entitled: “The Many Faces of Vincent de Paul: Expressions of French Romanticism.”