Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Vincent de Paul did not mince words in challenging people who settled for a narrow outlook on life or who remained within a narrow circle of interlocutors. He questioned those “…who seek only to enjoy themselves…people who have only a narrow outlook, confining their perspective and plans to a certain circumference within which they shut themselves away, so to speak, in one spot; they don’t want to leave it, and if they’re shown something outside it and go near to have a look, they immediately go back to their center, like snails into their shells.”  

Surely, we are all guilty at times of maintaining a guarded disposition when it comes to our personal ideas and self-image, and perhaps we sometimes even resist people and experiences that might challenge our way of thinking. However, if we do not open ourselves up to experiences that challenge our thinking or move us beyond what is familiar, how will growth occur?

Where might you begin to grow outside of your own “shell” or comfort zone and open yourself to different perspectives and new relationships in the coming week? In higher education, we speak often of “silos.” How, then, might you make a connection this week with someone outside of your own silo?


Citation: 195, “Purpose of the Congregation of the Mission,” 6 December 1658, CCD, 12:81.

Reflection by: Mark Laboe, Associate Vice President, Mission and Ministry


You’re invited to a day of reflection, renewal and community… 

A Day with Vincent

Thursday, December 5th, 2019 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center, 513 W. Fullerton in Lincoln Park.  

A Day with Vincent is an opportunity for DePaul staff and faculty to enrich your spirituality, strengthen your community, reconnect with your calling and deepen your understanding of our Vincentian mission.  The day is free of charge and meals will be provided. Participants will be back to campus by 4:30 pm with transportation provided as needed.  

Now in it’s 12th year, A Day with Vincent helps participants find time and space within their busy lives to reflect deeply on Vincentian spirituality and mission while enabling them to engage with colleagues from across the university. Led by professional staff from the Division of Mission and Ministry and attended through the years by over 700 DePaul faculty and staff, the program is welcoming and supportive to those of all religious, spiritual and philosophical backgrounds and starting points. 

In the quiet of December, as the academic quarter and calendar year draw to a close and the holidays approach, we hope you’ll join us for this opportunity to grow both personally and professionally, individually and communally. 

WEBLINK FOR REGISTRATION:  http://go.depaul.edu/daywithvincent

Studying and Learning: To What End?

“We have to study in such a way that love corresponds to knowledge.” St. Vincent de Paul (CCD 11:116)

What do you understand to be the ultimate end goal of your lifelong learning, growth, and improvement? What are your underlying motivations as you pursue further knowledge, expertise, and success? By connecting love to the pursuit of knowledge, Vincent’s words invite us to consider how our efforts to learn and improve can serve a greater purpose beyond our own personal advancement. How might a desire to love others influence the way you learn or work? How might your learning and your work enrich the human communities to which you belong?


Conference 98, Repetition of Prayer, October 1643, CCD, 11:116