Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week: Rare 19th century holy card of Vincent de Paul

This mid-to-late 19th century, color, holy card has an unusual depiction of St. Vincent on a battlefield

with confreres and a Daughter of Charity ministering in the background. This is no doubt inspired by a similar original 18th century painting from Saint-Lazare now in the parish church of Sainte-Marguerite in Paris. The legend at the bottom of the card reads: “St. Vincent communicated his spirit so well to his children that they braved famine and the plague to care for the wounded and dying.”
This card was recently acquired for the Vincentiana collection in the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s John T. Richardson Library.

Newsnote: “Vincentiana Purchase of the Week” Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and Foundlings

The Vincentiana Collection of Archives and Special Collections at DePaul University has acquired this beautifully hand-colored engraving (12×17) of Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and the Foundlings. The combination of “Blessed St.” is highly unusual. The print is dated from the second quarter of the 19th century. The legend at the bottom of the engraving reads: Le Bienheureuse St. Vincent de Paul, Fondateur de la Congregation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charite.

Newsnote: “Vincentiana Purchase of the Week” Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and Foundlings

The Vincentiana Collection of Archives and Special Collections at DePaul University has acquired this beautifully hand-colored engraving (12×17) of Blessed St. Vincent de Paul and the Foundlings. The combination of “Blessed St.” is highly unusual. The print is dated from the second quarter of the 19th century. The legend at the bottom of the engraving reads: Le Bienheureuse St. Vincent de Paul, Fondateur de la Congregation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charite.

Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week: Rue du Bac (interior photo). c. 1890

The Vincentiana Collection at DePaul University’s Archives and Special Collections Department recently acquired this sepia tone photograph c. 1890. The location is the old seminary. The occasion is certainly a Marian Feast, perhaps the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Interior photos of the rue du Bac maison mere are very rare.

Newsnote: Vincentian Library Purchase of the Week: “Marthe ou La Soeur Hospitaliere.”

Marthe ou La Soeur Hospitaliereby M. L’abbe J****. 5th edition, Tours, Ad Mame et Cie. Imprimeurs-Libraires, 1851

This small romance novel traces the early 19th century vocation of the fictional Soeur Marthe (Ernestine Dubuisson). Her parents are, according to the fashion of the time unbelievers, and the novel traces the extraordinary story how their daughter Ernestine becomes a Sister of Charity (and a nurse) serving as a symbol of faith and charity in action in the midst of the stormy mid-years of the century. A fascinating look at how the Sisters of Charity were perceived in the 19th century.

Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week: Bronze statue of kneeling Daughter of Charity

The Vincentiana Collection of the Archives and Special Collections Department of DePaul University’s Richardson Library has just purchased a late 19th-early 20th century French bronze statue of a Daughter of Charity kneeling in prayer. The statue is ten inches in height and is four inches wide. It is a beautiful statue but has been marred by an ill-advised cleaning that has removed the patination. Never-the-less it is a nice addition to our Daughter of Charity material culture and iconography collection.

Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the Week: “Lettres Patentes Du Roi.”

This week the Vincentiana Collections in Archives and Special Collections of DePaul University’s Richardson Library has purchased a copy of the 1782 parlementary registration of the papal act conferring responsibility for the former Jesuit missions in the Levant to the Congregation of the Mission. With the definitive dissolution of the Society of Jesus by the papacy in 1773, the French king had requested that the Lazaristes be granted responsibility for the former Jesuit missions in the Levant.

Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week “L’Envol des Blanches Cornettes.”

The Vincentiana collection at Archives and Special Collections of DePaul University’s Richardson Library this week purchased a rare copy of a charming 1929 “pièce en trois actes, pour Jeunes Filles (avec chœurs, paroles et musique) entitled “L’Envol des Blanches Cornettes ou La Bienheureuse Louise de Marillac.” It was written by Amédée Huc, C.M. The author dedicated this piece “aux Filles de la Charité qui, animées de l’esprit de St-Vincent-de-Paul et de leur Bienheureuse Mère font rayonner en France et dans le monde entier: LA CHARITÉ DU CHRIST.” The work was published in Lyon, “en souvenir du Centenaire de l’Apparition de la ‘Médaille Miraculeuse” 1830-1930.”