At the Heart of Our Mission

Recently, I was asked, “What is at the heart of DePaul and its mission?” After a brief pause, I responded that, for me, what best captures the heart of our mission is the concept frequently referenced here: Vincentian personalism. In my thinking and experience, Vincentian personalism is the foundational building block for all else that […]

Embracing Change: A Vincentian Reflection for Graduates

Graduation season is a time of celebration and reflection. As we stand on the threshold of new beginnings, we are reminded of the words of Saint Vincent de Paul: “Love is inventive to infinity.”[1] This quote resonates deeply, especially during this season of transitions and growth. I can remember walking onto DePaul’s campus for the […]

Baccalaureate Mass

Resources, News, Events and Happenings related to the integration of DePaul’s Vincentian mission into the ongoing life and work of the university community. Mission-Related Events Join Us for Baccalaureate Mass DePaul’s commencement weekend will begin with an opportunity to gather in a spirit of prayer and thanksgiving with graduating students, their families, and DePaul faculty, […]

Finding the Holy Spirit in Chaos

Recently, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity invited academician and scholar Maureen H. O’Connell to speak about her book Undoing the Knots: Five Generations of American Catholic Anti-Blackness.[1] In her remarks, which drew from her own personal history as well as the history of the American Catholic Church, O’Connell examined Catholic anti-blackness and its […]

Finding Our Way

Resources, News, Events and Happenings related to the integration of DePaul’s Vincentian mission into the ongoing life and work of the university community. Mission Monday Finding Our Way In today’s turbulent world, how might a seventeenth-century French priest help us find our way? …read more     Mission-Related Events and Happenings This Week   Join […]

Lean Into Your Strengths

Resources, News, Events and Happenings related to the integration of DePaul’s Vincentian mission into the ongoing life and work of the university community. Mission Monday Lean Into Your Strengths Remaining grounded in who we are and what we do well is perhaps the best we can contribute for our own good and for the good […]