The Sisters Sent a Message…Part 1: Perseverance

Two remarkable women have taught us the power of perseverance, presence, and prayer. Feeling the pain that detention and deportation inflict not only on those caught within the system, but also upon their families, friends, and communities, Sisters Pat Murphy, RSM, and JoAnn Persch, RSM, have combined a compassionate spirit with a passionate advocacy for […]

Third Place, 2017 Vinny Prize – Fostering Connections

Third Place, 2017 Vinny Prize, Office of Mission and Values at DePaul University Determined to break a vicious cycle of abuse, a young mother fights to create new beginnings for her biological and adopted children with the support of an innovative, multigenerational community. Abused and neglected as a teenager, Micci Grainger fights to provide her […]

Newsnote: Sickinger biography of Ozanam to be published in 2017 by University of Notre Dame Press

  Raymond Sickinger’s biography of Antoine Frédéric Ozanam is more than a chronological account of Ozanam’s relatively brief but extraordinary life. It is also a comprehensive study of a man who touched many lives as a teacher, writer, and principal founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Ozanam’s life encompassed a particularly turbulent […]

The Journey of and to the Poor

  An explication is presented of a carving hanging in Ravasi Hall of the DePaul Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. The panel is entitled “Saint Vincent on the road of the Poor in Africa,” and the artist’s vision is presented first. Following the road in the carving, Vincent de Paul meets and cares for the many types of […]

Speak Up and Say “NO” to Islamophobia

  By: Shourouk Abdalla I am instantly scared of the backlash on Muslims worldwide after the explosions in Paris. I’m already seeing Muslim friends of mine asking their Facebook friends to not correlate these attacks with Muslims or Islam. It is not even confirmed yet that ‘ISIS’ committed these attacks, and they probably did but […]

Newsnote: Vincentiana Purchase of the week: Rare 19th century holy card of Vincent de Paul

This mid-to-late 19th century, color, holy card has an unusual depiction of St. Vincent on a battlefield with confreres and a Daughter of Charity ministering in the background. This is no doubt inspired by a similar original 18th century painting from Saint-Lazare now in the parish church of Sainte-Marguerite in Paris. The legend at the […]