Teenage Dick, Theater Wit, remote viewing extended through 5/3/2020. BRIAN BALCOM (MFA, Directing, ’16) directs. SARAH PRICE (BFA, Acting, ’12) is in the cast.
Brian Balcom
Ignition Festival of New Plays at Victory Gardens Theater
Ignition: Festival of New Plays, Victory Gardens Theatre, closes 8/6/2017. BRIAN BALCOM (MFA, Directing, ’16) is cast in Spin Moves. DEXTER ZOLLICOFFER (MFA, Acting, ’90) is cast in This Land Was Made. ERIC SLATER (BFA, Acting, ’97) is cast in Wolf Play.
Julius Caesar at Writers Theatre
Julius Caesar, Writers Theatre, closes 10/16/2016. CHRISTINE BUNUAN (BFA, Acting, ’02) is in the cast. BRIAN BALCOM (MFA, Directing, ’16) is the assistant director, DAVID CASTELLANOS (BFA, Production Management, ’88) is the stage manager, and COURTNEY O’NEILL (BFA, Theatre Studies, ’06) is the scenic designer.