December Intersession: More than a Holiday Break
DePaul University maintains a quarter-based schedule, with four quarters and one December Intersession per academic year. Students can choose to study abroad or take a class in December. For Kellstadt student Tim Duxbury, however, December Intersession is job-hunting season!
Tim says, “During December, my full-time job will be expanding my network, setting up informational interviews, doing research and filling out applications. Learning the material and getting good grades are important, but executing the proper job-search techniques is just as important. As a sustainable management major, I hope to land a job where I can help companies get the most out of the resources they have and reduce the waste they produce. To do this, I need to find which sect of sustainability captures my interest the most and learn all that I can about it. I can utilize Kellstadt’s deep network of alumni to connect with people who are currently doing work that interests me. Informational interviews are a great way to make connections and learn a lot about a particular role, company or industry, as well as make valuable contacts. It will be hard work but if it all pays off with an internship offer, it will be worth it!”
Kellstadt Career Management Center Assistant Director Rabia Baig agrees that December can be a key time to network. “Professionals have flexibility in their schedules as the year ends and have more time to conduct informational interviews,” Baig says. “It’s also a great time to touch base with your network as contacts could have an idea of how their team may grow in the coming year and if there will be opportunities for internships.”
December can be an opportunity for students to decompress after the fall quarter and have the chance to build their networks. No matter how students chose to spend their December Intersession, Kellstadt offers resources to assist them with professional skills and career development.
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