Gender Based Violence Prevention Workshop Recap

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). To kick off our SAAM campaign, we invited Liz from Greenlight Counseling Service to tell us all about Gander Based Violence and prevention strategies. Here are some important learnings from the workshop.

What is Gender Based Violence (GBV)? 

  •  a general term used to capture any type of violence that is rooted in exploiting unequal power relationships between genders.
  • This can include gender norms and role expectations specific to a society as well as situational power imbalances and inequities.
  • GBV can impact anyone, and can include intimate partner and family violence, elder abuse, sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking.
  • GBV disproportionately impacts communities experiencing other forms of oppression – Race – Income – Sexual Orientation – Disability etc.


Let’s break GVB down to few different categories!

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) 

  • Domestic violence(also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), dating abuse, or relationship abuse)is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. (imag: “Power and Control Wheel”)
  • Types of abuse include physical, emotional, psychological, financial, sexual abuse
  • Specific dynamics of the college setting can make students more vulnerable to abuse and less able to access support
  • Psychological aggression is the most common form of dating violence among college students

Sexual Assault 

  • Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity or contact, including rape, that happens without your consent. Sexual assault can include non-contact activities, such as someone “flashing” you (exposing themselves to you) or forcing you to look at sexual images
  • Statistically, 50% of sexual assaults occur during a period called the Red Zone – from the start of the semester until Thanksgiving Break – First year students are especially vulnerable during this time due to lack of knowledge about campus and resources


What Can We Do Right Now???

  • Learning more about IPV and Consent! Send the request of training to HPW office
  • Attend Bystander Training.  Our next Vinny Vow Training is coming on April 15th and May 20th
  • Learning how to support survivors. Attend “Supporting Survivor” Workshop on April 22nd
  • Meet new Sexual and Relationship Violence Specialist on Insta live to ask any questions! April 13th, Tuesday at 3pm @healthydepaul


Click for more information about Greenlight Counseling

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