If you missed our “Remembering the Year Past: Transitioning to Hope” Program… Watch it above.
It’s been a year! Over the past few days and weeks, many have engaged in reflection on the long year we have just endured together. Thoughts have swirled around hardships, sacrifices, broken dreams, lost moments, loss of life, on-going illness, virtual classrooms, vaccinations and all the realities that we’ve experienced due to the COVID pandemic.
It has been a long, arduous year and, at times, many have wondered if we would ever get past the turbulence. But, today there is a glimmer of light at the end of this pandemic tunnel as vaccinations become more abundant. We are hearing hopeful chatter about returning to campus, returning to gatherings, and returning to life as we once knew it. There is hope, and yet, we are cautioned to continue distancing, wear masks and SLOW DOWN!
As we move forward, much more slowly than we’d like, we are certain to be engulfed in the on-going struggles of these times. Indeed, these waning days of the pandemic may truly be some of the most challenging. It is in such times that we return to our wisdom figures, those who have endured so much in their own lives and in their own ways, and we find encouragement. St. Vincent, through the echoes of time, encourages us as we keep our eyes on the light:
“Trust firmly in God’s guidance and encourage your people to have this trust in the present disturbances; the storm will abate, and the calm will be greater and more pleasing than ever. “[ Vincent de Paul (Volume: 5 | Page#: 454) To Charles Ozenne, 15 October, 1655 added on 6/28/2011]
In the weeks and months ahead, please know that DePaul’s Mission and Ministry staff is here to encourage you and accompany you along the way. If you find yourself weary, please do not hesitate to reach out to the ministers in your midst who will bring you words of hope and cheer you on as we all wait for the storm to abate and the light to shine brightly.
Individual Pastoral Support for Faculty and Staff
Mission and Ministry’s Faculty and Staff Engagement Team (FASE) is available to provide a listening ear and pastoral support for individual faculty and staff. Appointments can be scheduled using the following links:
Abdul-Malik Ryan: https://ChaplainAbuNoor.as.me/
Mark Laboe: https://MarkLaboe.as.me/
Siobhan O’Donoghue: https://Siobhan.as.me/
Tom Judge by email: tjudge@depaul.edu
General FASE email address: FASE@depaul.edu
Individual Pastoral Support for Students
Available Mission and Ministry staff who accompany students are available to provide a listening ear and pastoral support for all students. Appointments can be scheduled using the following links:
Pastor Diane Dardón | DDARDON@depaul.edu (Protestant Chaplain)
Imam Abdul-Malik Ryan | MRYAN42@depaul.edu (Muslim Chaplain)
Minister Jene Colvin | JCOLVIN3@depaul.edu (Protestant & Interfaith Minister)
Matthew Charnay | MCHARNAY@depaul.edu (Jewish Life & Interfaith Coordinator)
Amanda Thompson | ATHOMP44@depaul.edu
Matt Merkt | MMERKT@depaul.edu
Ceni de la Torre | ADELATO2@depaul.edu
Karl Nass | KNASS@depaul.edu
Emily LaHood Olsen | ELAHOOD@depaul.edu
Joyana Dvorak | JJACOBY5@depaul.edu
Katie Sullivan | KSULLI47@depaul
Gina Leal | GLEAL1@depaul.edu
Georgie Torres-Reyes GTORRES@depaul.edu