Shared Coin
2025 Foundation Day: The Shared Coin
Each year, in celebration of Foundation Day, a new edition of The Shared Coin is released. This tradition is an invitation for all DePaul students, faculty and staff to celebrate individuals living DePaul’s Vincentian mission by sharing a coin with them. Along with the coin, givers are encouraged to personalize this experience by using the back of the card given out with each coin to write a message to the individual they are acknowledging.
This is a special way to tell someone else, “I see you! I see DePaul’s mission and the Vincentian spirit within you. That light is radiating out to me. Thank you. I think it is important that I acknowledge you.” It’s an opportunity for everyone in the community to pause, look around, and recognize the many gifts at DePaul.
The Shared Coin is modeled after Vincent de Paul’s metaphor of the scarred coin which represented the individuals he served, their inherent dignity, and the investment he made into honoring and uplifting that dignity.
The 2025 edition of the Shared Coin uplifts a quote by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of her canonization as the first native-born saint of the United States. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a wife, mother, educator, and foundress of the Sisters of Charity. The Seton Shrine explains:
“We acknowledge that in many ways Elizabeth Ann Seton was one of us, experiencing the very human emotions of joy, pain, grief, empathy, compassion, and devotion throughout her life. She demonstrated the ability to organize, persevere, and overcome hardships while creating a community of religious women, who endure and still carry out her legacy of service to the poor.”
Mother Seton focused her energy on just causes and is the patron saint of Catholic schools, widows and seafarers. Her wisdom and witness are an invitation for all of us to ponder how we, too, can do “our part in present difficulties to ensure the Peace of the future.”
Everyone within the DePaul community is encouraged to integrate the Shared Coin tradition across campus whether through weekly meetings, gatherings or one-on-one settings. Recipients often feel grateful for the recognition of their good work and recognition of their commitment to DePaul’s mission.
Coin recipients may elect to keep it or may choose to pass it on when they see someone else living the mission in a meaningful way. Any DePaul student, faculty or staff member can go to one of our distribution locations and pick up coins to share with a person or several people they witness living DePaul’s mission. Coins are available first come first served. They are available in limited quantities and once depleted will not be available until the following year. You may pick up coins at the following locations:
Lincoln Park Location
Division of Mission and Ministry
Student Center, Suite 311
10-4 PM, Monday through Friday
Loop Location
DePaul Center 125, Loop Life Office
10AM – 4PM Monday – Friday
Division of Mission and Ministry – by request
14 E. Jackson, Suite 800
For more information on this tradition visit
For more information about St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the 50th anniversary of sainthood visit: