Setting Trends


DePaul University Ministry staff Gets Deep with the question: “If You Were a Celebrity, What Would You Make Trendy?”

“I would invite random people out on tea dates and ask them to order a tea that best described them – then explain why…”
Siobhan O’Donoghue, Director of the Vincentian Community Service Office

“To bring attention to how poor people are so often blamed for being poor as a moral failing or for being lazy or unwilling to participate in getting themselves out of poverty as a way to avoid looking at systemic injustices that make escaping poverty so incredibly difficult.  The trick would be to do this in a way that doesn’t “otherize,” doesn’t deny that there are times people can rise above incredibly difficult situations (but that this is not the norm so what happened that can be replicated/supported), and that positively attends to the tremendous assets within impoverished communities and people — rather than coming off like Gwyneth Paltrow around the food stamps budget. It might take a consistent employing of facts, featuring people’s stories, being in solidarity with others in an authentic way.  I don’t know. But I hope it happens.”
Katie Brick, Director of the Office of Religious Diversity

“A profound love for humanity!”
Guillermo Campuzano, CM, Chaplain in Catholic Campus Ministry

“If I were a pop culture icon, I’d make smiling trendy. I’d max out social media to get people excited about being aware of their demeanor and get them to smile at themselves, at the world, at one another. It’s amazing how simply donning a smile can make life lighter…and the world around you brighter…even when—perhaps especially when–life sucks!”
Diane Dardon, Protestant Chaplain in the Office of Religious Diversity

“Conservation of resources.”
Karl Nass, Assistant Director of the Vincentian Community Service Office

“I would make wearing meat trendy.  What?  Lady Gaga already did this?!  Ok, then I would make serving, striving for justice and a deep sense of gratitude to our Creator trendy.”
Thomas Judge, Chaplain, CTI and Law School in the Office of Religious Diversity

“Make shaking off apathy and despair trendy through random acts of kindness.”
Ruben Alvarez, Coordinator, Vincentian Community Service in the Vincentian Community Service Office

“If I were a pop culture icon, I would make the bartering/’no buy’ movement trendy. Why spend money and add to a broken supply chain when you can share with neighbors and build community?!”
Emily LaHood, Coordinator, Service Immersions in the Vincentian Community Service Office

Responses compiled by Quang Luu, Residence Hall Chaplain with DePaul University Ministry.