Interfaith Cafe: Wandering vs. Lost

Today’s post is by Nic Cable, a senior at Depaul, who is pursuing a double major in Religious Studies and Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies. He is serving his second year as an Interfaith Scholar at DePaul University and is the Director of the Better Together Campaign at this institution.

Last night, students gathered to discuss a very important topic in the lives of all people, but especially young adults: “The Journey.” We talked about the ideas of wandering and the differences between that and being lost. We also shared stories from our lives when we experienced these types of moments along our individual journeys. The conversation transitioned into an even more interesting question regarding the “end” to which we may or may not be travelling towards. Is there even an end? The dialogue was rich and the connections multiple. I have attached two responses from the cafe that I hope give you a glimpse into the lively discussion from last night:



Whether you are an Atheist, a Buddhist, a Christian or anything else, the concept of journeying is relevant to all of us. I hope this conversation gave its participants and opportunity to discuss a topic that is all too often suppressed from public discourse. I hope you have enjoyed these videos and that it sparks a desire in you to discuss it with your loved ones.