Lawful Assembly – Episode 14:

This is a podcast interview with Rev. Craig B. Mousin, an Adjunct Faculty member at DePaul University’s College of Law and The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy. President Biden recently responded to a national outcry protesting the limitation of refugee resettlement in this fiscal year to 15,000 refugees and reversed his decision, raising the goal to welcome 62,500 refugees.  This podcast encourages advocates to encourage the administration to achieve that goal and collaborate with resettlement agencies to revitalize the public-private partnership that will continue to benefit our communities.

President Biden’s announcement can be found at:

The specific numbers allocated for this fiscal year can be found at:

Chicago refugee resettlement programs include:

Ethiopian Community Association of Chicago:

Heartland Human Care Services:


The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Refugee Resettlement Program:

World Relief Chicagoland Refugee Resettlement:

Susan Gzesh’s article on an alternative allocations for refugee resettlement can be found at: