Celebrating Halloween in Chicago as a College Student

Celebrating Halloween in Chicago as a College Student

Celebrating Halloween in Chicago as a College Student To my core, I am a Halloween fanatic. I love the costumes, festivities, decorations, movies, and basically everything about the holiday—it is for sure my favorite. There is just something about Halloween that...
Discovering New Hobbies As A Young Adult

Discovering New Hobbies As A Young Adult

Discovering New Hobbies As A Young Adult As a full-time college student, it can be challenging to pick up a new hobby! I feel the anxiety every time I hear the dreaded question, “So what do you do for fun”? I rack my brain and the only answers that seem to run through...
How to get involved on campus as an Indian

How to get involved on campus as an Indian

How to Get Involved on Campus as an Indian As an international student from India, I knew that moving to the USA would be challenging as it is very culturally contrasting. It was essential for me to get connected with a group of people at DePaul who could help me stay...
My Experience in the Honors Program

My Experience in the Honors Program

My Experience in the Honors Program I have been a member of the University Honors Program at DePaul since I started as a freshman, and it has been a great experience! On top of that, I lived in the Honors Living Learning Community last year in Ozanam Hall and that was...
Top 5 Self Care Tips to Refresh after Midterms

Top 5 Self Care Tips to Refresh after Midterms

Top 5 Self Care Tips to Refresh after Midterms Midterms always seem to sneak up on me and before I know it we are already halfway through the quarter. After midterms from tests, projects, and papers, I always feel a little burnt out. I have come up with a couple...