My favourite on-campus spots to study: Winter Quarter edition

With the ongoing midterm season, I am finding myself simply sitting in one place and studying for multiple hours at a time. Throughout this quarter and the last, however, I have noticed that the location of where I study drastically impacts the quality of my study time and my ability to retain information. During the fall quarter, I found myself sitting outdoors, specifically by the benches in the quad. However, once I came back to campus for the winter, the icy winds and actual snow forced me to flee indoors. After four weeks of settling down in this new type of weather, I have finally found multiple spots where I can properly study indoors too.
1. Munroe Study Room
All of DePaul’s Lincoln Park residence halls are equipped with study rooms and Munroe is no exception. Each one of the six floors has two study rooms, ensuring that many of the residents get a nice cosy place to study as much as they want to in the comfort of their own building. I personally like to use them when my roommate is napping/sleeping and would prefer me to not disturb her with my harsh table lamp or laptop brightness. It is accessible 24/7 and has comfortable chairs. The rooms are spacious enough that you can invite your groupmates over to finish any pending group projects if needed.

2. Library LCP Campus
Buzzing with student activity, DePaul’s four-story library in Lincoln Park is one of the best places to study regardless of the quarter. The first two stories are what I call the “unserious floors”, as silence isn’t mandatory, whereas the two uppermost floors must always have pin-drop silence. Depending on the conditions in which you work the best, you can pick where to study. My favourite library spot has to be the study pod located on the first floor. I like to go there with my friends and try to be the most productive I can be. There even is a convenient printing station which you can use by utilising your “I-Print” funds by scanning your Student ID. Overall, you can never go wrong with studying in a classic library environment.
3. School of Music
The School of Music in my opinion has to be one of the most beautiful buildings on either of DePaul’s campuses and luckily, I find myself working better when I am sitting in a visually pleasing setting. The second floor of this establishment has multiple tables and chairs, complete with charging sockets. And the best part? Chipotle is just across the street! (Hey you, yes you! Check out my other blog about Food Places near the LPC campus for more eating spots.) Grabbing food after you have used all your fuel up on thinking has never been easier.
4. The Bridge
Last quarter, I found myself shifting my dorm layout to move my table to be closer to the windows as ironically, sitting in a claustrophobic space distracts me more in the long run. If you are looking for a similar space and don’t want to move everything around in your room, the glass bridge which connects McGowan South and McGowan North is a perfect place to work in. While having the view of all the traffic passing by, you are still shielded from the wind, cold and noise.
5. Loop Campus Library (1 E Jackson Blvd 10th floor)
The Loop Library is one of the most convenient places to study. While moving back and forth from one campus to the other, I like that there is a peaceful spot at the Loop campus which helps me try to get work done too. In fact, I am writing this listicle while sitting in this said library! I prefer slipping in here in between my classes and making use of that free time.
I hope this listicle was helpful and you will also find these spots effective!
PS: Read my blog on Study Tips if you want a dash of help for this midterm season!
– Xo, Tani