1. Ginzburg and his colleagues believe career decision making is done in three phases. In phase one, the child:

a. Begins thinking about careers
b. All are correct
c. Role play
d. Pretends

2. Which of the following are some of the categories of Holland’s career typology?

a. realistic
b. investigative
c. artistic
d. social
e. all are correct

3. Donald Super’s developmental self-concept theory concentrated on stages during the lifespan, including _____.

a. The years from birth to early 20s
b. The 20s
c. The 30s
d. The 40s
e. all are correct

4. John Holland felt that the closer the match between someone’s personality and the characteristics of the occupation _____.

a. the more confused they would be.
b. the more satisfied they will be.
c. the less happy they will be on the job.
d. the less they will like their job.
e. has nothing to do with whether they like the job or not.

5. Which of the following would be the most accurate way to describe the three major forms of parental abuse?

a. Emotional abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse
b. Emotional or mental abuse, physical abuse, and neglect
c. Physical abuse, violence, and bullying
d. Mental abuse, bullying, and rejection

6. If a family is too close, and there is no encouragement of individuality, their level of Cohesion is:

a. Enmeshed
b. Disengaged
c. Distant
d. Connected

7. According to Berne, which of the following ego states occurs when an individual makes independent decisions about the world around him or her?

a. Parent
b. Adolescent
c. Adult
d. Child

8. What do the adulthood theories of Levinson, Gould, Perry, and Jung all have in common?

a. They believed adulthood is a time of stagnancy and being settled.
b. They agree that development continues into adulthood.
c. They believed development happens only during young adulthood.
d. They believed adulthood is a reflection of one’s younger years.

9. According to Kohlberg, the ability to make moral decisions is developmental. His theory assumes that the second level of morality contains two stages that are of a typical level of development for adolescents and potentially some adults. This level is known as _____.

a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. Semi-conventional

10. Of the following, which type of disorder occurs when an individual is defiant, may throw temper tantrums, and has behavior much like a toddler?

b. Learning disability
c. Conduct disorder
d. Autism

11. How does the study of human development help us understand developmental abnormalities in children?

a. It tells us what children with developmental abnormalities should be doing at different stages of their life.
b. It helps us understand what most children should be capable of doing at different stages of their life.
c. It is typically concerned with the study of abnormal behavior.
d. It helps us detect visual and/or hearing impairments at an early age.

12. Fritz Perls developed which type of counseling in the 1940s that focuses heavily on self-awareness?

a. Gestalt counseling
b. Existentialism
c. Humanistic therapy
d. Person-centered therapy

13. Richard just got married, is in a mundane 9-5 job, and is having doubts about his purpose in life. He wants to feel that his life has meaning. He visits a counselor to discuss his feelings of dread, despair, and depression.;Which of the following affective counseling frameworks would specifically help Richard’s problem the most?

a. Client-centered
b. Gestalt
c. Cognitive-behavioral
d. Existentialism

14. Your relationships with those in _____ can help you with accreditation and licensing.

a. professional organizations
b. hospitals
c. the justice system
d. drug treatment centers

15. Which of the following is NOT a specialization in the counseling field:

a. School psychologist
b. Experimental psychologist
c. Developmental psychologist who is certified in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
d. All of the answers are specializations in the counseling field

16. Scores from standardized exams that are based on and compared to the scores of other similar individuals are known as _____.

a. Criterion-referenced
b. Reliable
c. Norm-referenced
d. Valid

17. All students applying to a bachelor’s degree program in nursing must pass a final examination at the end of their sophomore year. Anyone who scores at least 80% on the exam will be considered for acceptance into the final two years of the program. The test is difficult and is written to identify the most academically prepared students. This type of exam would be considered an example of:

a. A criterion-referenced test
b. A discriminatory exam
c. A norm-referenced test
d. A bell curve referenced test

18. Bandura’s study involving young children and a Bobo doll revealed that:

a. Children exposed to a model treating a doll aggressively learned aggressive behavior through imitation.
b. Children are naturally violent when playing with dolls.
c. When left alone, children preferred to play with dolls over blocks.
d. Aggressive behavior from adults toward toys had no impact on children’s behaviors with toys.

19. A _____ is a conversation that takes place between a client and a psychologist for the purpose of aiding a psychologist with diagnosing and treating the client. It is also known as a conversation with a purpose.

a. Clinical interview
b. Intake interview
c. Mental status exam
d. Consultation

20. Storming in group context means

a. thunder and lightning.
b. group members yell at each other.
c. group members leave the group.
d. the group members are trying to find their role in the group.
e. group members don’t like the leader.

Answer Key
1. B
2. E
3. E
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. C

11. B
12. A
13 D
14. A
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. D

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