DePaul CEO: Creating a Supportive Community for Aspiring Entrepreneurs This past October, I had the amazing opportunity of attending the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO) 39th Annual Global Conference, representing...
Introducing DePaul’s Newest Entrepreneurship Course: Women Entrepreneurs Are you looking for an engaging class to learn about successful international women and how they run their business?...
The end of business as usual: How corporations can capitalize on entrepreneurship Throughout the pandemic and its cascading effects on the business world, companies have been prompted to adapt their operations...
Integrating the Entrepreneurial Mindset into your Course – any course! Lisa Bosman, an assistant professor at Purdue University and Stephanie Fernhaber, a professor at Butler University, are experts on...
Jumping into Entrepreneurship at the Student Innovation Expo This past February, I was honored to be selected as a finalist for DePaul’s 2022 Innovation Expo, hosted each...
Entrepreneurs are Important: Here’s Why I always start my first entrepreneurship class each year by stating that entrepreneurship is not necessarily about starting a...
Four Benefits of Freelancing That Strengthen a Student’s Entrepreneurial Muscle Nurturing client relationships, enhancing interpersonal skills and being responsible for your own deliverables – this is exactly why you...