“It feels like we are standing on shifting sands. What can we hold onto when there seems to be an attack on the principles DePaul was founded on and why I do my work?”
This question was posed to me recently by a team member. The current realities in our society and in the field of higher education certainly present us with many such questions and fears. In navigating these challenges together, our Catholic and Vincentian mission can continue to serve as an anchor and an ongoing source of strength, inspiration, direction, and shared sense of purpose.
I believe it is helpful for us to remember, especially now, that our mission statement has deep historical roots in a religious heritage. Our Catholic and Vincentian heritage provides an ethical and moral framework that was and remains inspired by a theological understanding of who God is, who the human person is, and thus who we are called to be. As a faith-based institution, our heritage calls us in an ongoing way to the work of cultivating a healthy and vibrant diversity, an inclusive community that fosters a sense of belonging, and a more just and equitable society. In this time of shifting sands, it is important to firmly articulate some principles in which DePaul can anchor itself as a faith-based, Catholic, and Vincentian institution.
I would like to propose five foundational theological and educational principles that make more explicit the connection between DePaul’s Catholic and Vincentian religious heritage and our shared mission to build a human and university community in which all are afforded a sense of belonging and care, and are given what they need to flourish.
In offering these for our mutual discernment and dialogue, I recognize that these principles are not necessarily unique to Catholicism or Vincentianism. At the same time, I attest that they are deeply Catholic and Vincentian. In my 20 years at DePaul, I have found that people with a wide variety of religious and secular worldviews can embrace or fruitfully engage DePaul’s Catholic and Vincentian heritage without sacrificing their own convictions. In fact, inter-convictional dialogue and learning is an essential part of what makes DePaul such a rich learning and work environment.
For each of the following, the ongoing discernment and work is to consider how these principles can be realized in our daily life and work as a university community.
Affirming the inherent dignity of the human person
In the Catholic and Vincentian traditions, there is a strong emphasis placed on the dignity of the human person as “imago dei,” that is, as made in the image and likeness of God. Pope Francis recently called the dignity of the person “infinite and transcendent.”[1] The recognition of the intrinsic dignity of each human person is foundational to all Catholic social teaching, including the commitment to work for social justice. It is also the cornerstone of the Vincentian charism.
Caring for the marginalized
Catholic social teaching and the faith and life example of Vincent de Paul call us to make a conscious and intentional effort to recognize, specifically, the inherent dignity of those who suffer or are marginalized by any human system. For example, Catholic social teaching speaks of a “preferential option for the poor.” A driving impetus behind the work of Vincent de Paul came with the recognition of the sacred dignity of those who were otherwise abandoned, mistreated, dishonored, or pushed aside in the society of his time. This concern moved him to attend to the needs of those on the peripheries of society, and this work became the center of his mission. Therefore, our mission challenges us to continually ask and answer the question “Who is left out?” We must ensure that these persons are recognized and fully included in our vision of community and society, rather than forgotten or ignored.
Building a sense of belonging and community
An important counterpart to affirming the sacred dignity of all is the recognition that human beings are fundamentally and irrevocably social beings. The social nature of the human person means that we are necessarily interconnected in a web of relationships from the time of our birth until our death. Interdependence is the existential ground of being human. We thrive only in relationship with others, in community. Direct encounter and attention to human relationships are constituent elements of a Vincentian social justice. Thus, affirming and supporting the dignity of all means also to do all we can to foster a sense of belonging for all in our communities and classrooms.
Working for the common good
From the perspective of DePaul’s Catholic and Vincentian mission, our shared human vocation is to live and work on behalf of the common good. Social justice in the Catholic tradition is about establishing the conditions in society that help to make human flourishing possible. Regardless of our unique talents and career choices, each of us is challenged to consider how we can contribute our skills, time, energy, and resources to the betterment of the larger world. We are invited and challenged in an ongoing way to transcend personal self-interest to discern and act for the greater good of society. Personal good cannot be separated from communal and societal good. The creative and challenging tension is that in light of our Catholic and Vincentian heritage, these must always be in dialogue as a both/and, not an either/or.
Participating in community and society as a right and a responsibility of all
From the perspective of Catholic social teaching, participation is both a right and responsibility. Not only are we called to participate constructively in society and the human communities of which we are part, but it is our responsibility to work to ensure the opportunity for others’ participation. Participation is essential to the integral human development of people, both in the context of learning and the workplace. The shape and form of our participation, therefore, must be rooted in care and respect for the rights of others to also participate. This principle lies at the heart of Pope Francis’ call to a spirit of synodality, which involves genuine encounter, listening, courage, and dialogue. When we hold ourselves back from meaningful participation or deny or prevent the participation of others through our actions or inactions, human society and communities cannot flourish.
Vincent de Paul often spoke of the importance of virtues, which are developed when our deepest values are put into practice consistently through our words and actions. The five foundational principles or values I propose, rooted deeply in our Catholic and Vincentian mission, are offered not as an exhaustive list but as a starting point for discernment and dialogue. They point to the fact that we can draw from the deep reserves of our religious heritage to ground our institutional commitments to the work of building a thriving and inclusive human community and university. Hopefully, they offer not only some support and inspiration for who we are and why we do what we do, but also serve as an ongoing challenge to move us toward who we are called to become.
Reflection questions:
- How can these principled commitments and the ethical and moral framework that they provide continue to be made real through our life and work together?
- How do these principles show up in our life and work at DePaul? In the education we provide, and/or in the way we function together as a university community?
Reflection by: Mark Laboe, Interim Vice President for Mission and Ministry
[1] Pope Francis, “Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of the United States of America,” February 10, 2025, https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/letters/2025/documents/20250210-lettera-vescovi-usa.html