Resources, News, Events and Happenings related to the integration of DePaul’s Vincentian mission into the ongoing life and work of the university community.
Mission Monday
Amidst Uncertainty and Hope, We Take Action
At DePaul University, we are uniquely situated to respond to the needs of today’s world. How can you contribute to a more hopeful future? …read more
Mission-Related Events and Happenings This Week
Sustainability Celebration
This event (on Tuesday, October 24 · 3:30 – 6:30pm CDT in the LPC Student Center Room 314AB) will focus on learning sustainable practices, social justice measures, community engagement, and Halloween fun! There will be a display of eco art, dozens of tables, (sign up to table here) hors d’oeuvres, and an ethical Halloween costume swap.
Sustainability Art Needed
Just DePaul is asking for DePaul members (students, facility, staff, alumni, etc) to submit their eco and social justice art for display at the upcoming Sustainability celebration!
Lunch with Vincent: Fool Me Once
Join us and author, documentarian and DePaul faculty member Kelly Richmond Pope for a lively conversation about the stories, scams and secrets of the trillion dollar fraud industry as well as the lessons in vulnerability, protection and empathy she learned while writing her book “Fool Me Once.” We hope you will join us! Please gather for a tasty meal and a timely conversation to learn and share how our mission will lead us forward. RSVP here
Are you addressing the Migrant crisis in Chicago in any way?
If you have responded to the current migrant crisis in Chicago (through direct service, in the classroom, through research, advocacy, etc.), please help DePaul by responding to Just DePaul’s brief survey so we can compile an inventory of actions by DePaul community members and consider institutional coordination for efforts in addition to the work consistently being done by areas like DePaul’s Asylum & Immigration Law Clinic and the DePaul Migration Collaborative as well as within courses throughout the university.
October is Sustainability Month
Did you know that among higher education, October is Sustainability Month? Join Just DePaul as we help facilitate and host many various events throughout the month of October.
(See our full calendar of events below and visit our Linktree)