Chicago’s long-standing commitment to being a sanctuary city can be traced back to 1985 when Mayor Harold Washington issued an executive order preventing city employees from participating in immigration enforcement. This order aimed to protect undocumented immigrants and foster trust between law enforcement and immigrant communities. Harold Washington’s legacy as the first African American mayor of Chicago, known for his commitment to social justice and civil rights, continues to inspire the city’s politics and social movements today. To celebrate his contributions, an anniversary event titled “The 40th Anniversary of the Harold Washington Election” will take place on April 13, 2023 (see attached flyer). In addition to this event, “A Clear View from the Prairie: Harold Washington and the People of Illinois Respond to Federal Encroachment of Human Rights” is an upcoming event that will shed light on the struggles faced by immigrants and marginalized communities in the fight for equal rights. Those interested in learning more about Harold Washington and his legacy can read Prof. Craig Mousin’s article titled “A Clear View from the Prairie: Harold Washington and the People of Illinois Respond to Federal Encroachment of Human Rights”.