10 Things You Need to Survive Winter at Depaul

10 Things You Need to Survive Winter at Depaul

10 Things Needed To Survive Winter at DePaul Going to school in Chicago means that winters can get a little harsh. It’s nothing to worry about as long as you come prepared, and getting to see a snow covered campus is totally worth it! But as a commuter student I feel...
Top 3 Reasons Why I Like to Study Outside of my Room

Top 3 Reasons Why I Like to Study Outside of my Room

Top 3 Reasons Why I Like to Study Outside of My Room Today, I want to talk about the top three reasons why I like to study outside of my room. I know that especially in the winter months, we can get really lazy and don’t want to leave our cozy rooms, but I promise...
How to have a great first week at college

How to have a great first week at college

How to have a great first week at college People always bring up how crucial the first week of college is, and I am not here to disagree with that. However, I do think that people make it out to be this crazy time when you need to make a ton of friends and feel like...
Managing the Workload During Finals

Managing the Workload During Finals

Managing the Workload During Finals Finals are a stressful time for everyone with plenty of papers, projects and tests due. I sometimes find it hard to keep track of everything. As a commuter student who is on the move a lot of the time, I found a couple of ways to...