Internship Opportunity – Thrive Counseling Center

Thrive Counseling Center has a current internship opening in their Youth Services program for the 24-25 year. Below are the requirements for the Youth Services internship:

  • 20-25 hours per week
  • Caseload average 12-15
  • Evenings (close at 8pm)
  • Saturdays 9am-2pm
  • Wednesdays 1pm-3pm mandatory for group supervision and trainings
  • Intern training/onboarding week August 12-16 (9am-5pm)

Please contact Daisy Rios at to learn more.

Internship Opportunity- Semillas Counseling PLLC

Semillas Counseling PLLC currently has an internship opening for the 24-25 year. See info below:

  • Our clinical emphasis supports adults, couples and families over the age of 16
  • The practicum and internship placement will provide students an opportunity to expand their individual and couples counseling skills utilizing a co-therapy model with their site supervisor.
  • We provide a hybrid of in-person and telehealth options for our clients, with locations in River North Chicago and North Center Chicago
  • Students are required to be in person, and fully vaccinated, as we require this of all our clients who attend for in-person appointments.
  • Student would intern a minimum of 24 hours each week throughout their practicum and internship experience, with a general schedule of 10am-7pm.  The practicum and internship dates are August 1, 2024 through June 13, 2025.

Students who are interested in our practice should email their cover letter and resume to

ISAC Upcoming Events

Don’t Forget: Spring into Action Webinars – There is still time to join our call-to-action webinars to hear how ISAC can support students and families with free assistance, through the summer and year-round, as they navigate this delayed FAFSA cycle. Learn more about the latest updates to the FAFSA, best practices for navigating the corrections and verification processes, and ISAC resources available to you and your students. Take action to ensure students have the assistance and support they need. To register, visit the Professional Development Calendar. For questions, contact  Webinar dates are:

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 12 – 1 p.m. (CT)
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 2 – 3 p.m. (CT)
  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 10 – 11 a.m. (CT)

In addition, please share ISAC’s new webpage – – to help connect students with ISAC free services and assistance, including asking real time questions via text messaging in English or Spanish.

More May FAN Events Announced – ISAC helps sponsor Family Action Network (FAN) events, which are always free and open to the public. FAN curates a high-quality speaker series on a variety of topics relevant to our work. Please visit the FAN website to register for these upcoming events and see the attached flyers for more details:

  • The Algebra of Wealth: Achieving Economic Security – Tuesday, May 13, 2024, at 12:30 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom
  • The Friction Project: How Smart Leaders make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder – Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 7 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom
  • Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (And Why That’s a Good Thing) – Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom
  • Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory’s Power to Hold on to What Matters – Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom
  • Thinking with Your Hands: How Gestures Shape Our Thoughts – Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 7 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom
  • A Fatal Inheritance: How a Family Misfortune Revealed a Deadly Medical Mystery – Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 7 p.m. (CT) – on Zoom

If you’re not able to participate in a live FAN event, all events are recorded. Visit the FAN website’s Past Events page to view the library of past event topics and their recordings.

Click on the links below for more information about each of the webinars linked above:

24-25 Internship Site Approval Deadlines Approaching!

The deadlines for paperwork in Tevera are approaching! Please check Tevera for any pending forms. If you have not yet received an approval email from Jay Lesenko, your site has not been approved.

  • The deadline for completing a new site proposal (for sites not currently listed in Tevera) is this Friday, May 10th
  • The deadline for completing all other forms in Tevera is Friday, May 31st

If you are planning to complete your internship at your workplace and have not already reached out to Jay or Dr. Hamm to complete the separate approval process please do so. Please reach out to Jay or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions or need further support.

Save the Date! Oct 26th 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation for School Counseling

Attention First Year School Counseling Students!

There will be a mandatory, in-person 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation on Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This is mandatory for all school counseling students completing Practicum in Spring of 2025, which would be school counseling students who started the program in Fall 2023. This meeting will take place in person on Lincoln Park Campus (location TBD). We will be discussing all things related to Practicum and Internship that you will encounter during your Professional Practice experience. Look for additional future communications on CSL News and via email and please plan accordingly.

Please reach out to Jay Lesenko if you will not be completing Practicum and Internship in 2025 – 2026 so they can update their records, and reach out to Jay Lesenko or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions.

Save the Date! Oct 19th 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation for CMHC

Attention First Year CMHC Counseling Students!

There will be a mandatory, in-person 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation on Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This is mandatory for all CMHC students completing Practicum and Internship in 2025-2026.  This meeting will take place in person on Lincoln Park Campus (location TBD). We will be discussing all things related to Practicum and Internship that you will encounter during your Professional Practice in 2025 – 2026. Look for additional future communications on CSL News and via email and please plan accordingly.

Please reach out to Jay Lesenko if you will not be completing Practicum and Internship in 2025 – 2026 so they can update their records, and reach out to Jay Lesenko or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions.

Research Opportunity for Counselors-in-Training

We are looking for students research aimed at advancing our understanding of dual diagnosis practices among counselors-in-training.  Below are the following information: the study purpose, eligibility criteria for student participants, and additional information related to the study:


We are seeking counselors-in-training to complete a short online survey focused on understanding their attitudes toward clients who have dual diagnoses of substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Participants will first watch a brief video describing a case, then respond to several validated measures related to counselors’ attitudes. Students are eligible to participate in the study if they:

a.) are enrolled in a CACREP-accredited master’s program (part- or full-time), and

b.) are enrolled in OR have completed at least one semester of practicum or internship.


We anticipate that participation, including viewing the video, will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes. To compensate participants for their time, everyone who completes the survey will have the opportunity to provide an email address in a separate linked survey to receive a $15 Amazon gift card. This email address will not be stored with any data, and no identifiable personal information will be collected.


We have attached a recruitment flyer to this email that can be shared directly with your students if you are willing to share information about this research study with students in your program. We are happy to answer any questions you or your students may have. Students can also access the study at the following link:


You can reach us at (Dr. Jordan Westcott) and (Dr. Jamian Coleman).


UTK Dual Diagnosis Research Study Poster