The College of Communication Internship Program helps DePaul students find and earn academic credit for internships. Our main website contains more information about the program, its guidelines and the steps to apply for internship credit. This site provides additional resources and information on preparing, searching, applying and interviewing for internships.
Searching for Internships
Before you start applying for internships, you’ll want to find positions that interest you. Take a look at the four steps we recommend for conducting a fruitful internship search!
Interview Tips
The job interview is a very important step in convincing your prospective employer that you are their best fit. See our page of pointers on all types of interviews, whether traditional, conducted with a group or panel or via phone or video.
Application Material Resources
Check out our guides and tips for creating a quality resume, cover letter, writing portfolio, personal website and LinkedIn profile so that you stand out from the crowd of other applicants.
Exiting Your Internship
When it’s time to conclude your internship, it’s important to leave on good terms. Whether you are resigning or the internship period is ending, our tips may help you make the most of your internship offboarding process.
Check out our curated list of internships relevant to College of Communication students, updated weekly with all-new opportunities!