Blessing that Vincent offered to Louise as he sent her forth on her first mission to the Confraternities of Charity:

By Vincent DePaul

“Go forth, then. Go forth in the name of the Lord. We pray the Divine Goodness to accompany you, to be your consolation on the way, your shelter against the heat of the sun, your protection from the rain and cold, your soft couch in weariness, your strength in labor, and that in the end, it may bring you back in perfect health, laden with good deeds and precious remembrances.”   

And may we send you forth in the spirit of St. Vincent DePaul and Louise de Marillac! Go lead with love!  

Daughters of Charity Daily Routine: Sustaining the Journey

If you go back and look at the schedule of the Daughters of Charity, the community founded by Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul, you will see they were very intentional about their time. Their day started at 4:00am and was scheduled to the minute until 8:15 at night when they prepared for bed.  

Something that is striking, aside from their ability to function at a seemingly superhuman capacity, was that there were designated times in their schedule dedicated to recreation and to learning how to read. Even in the midst of curing the ills and woes of the day and tending to the broken society around them, they prioritized time every day for leisure, respite, and personal development. 

Louise understood that these daily routines, which created space to care for the whole person, were essential for sustaining the communities’ long-term effectiveness as an agents of change. 

Reflection questions:  

  • What holistic care practices do you integrate into your daily routines?  
  • How are you creating spaces in your life for recreation and restoration?  
  • How do you hold yourself accountable to practicing daily habits?  

Prayer for Radical Amazement  

By Abraham Joshua Heschel

Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. 
Get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. 
Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. 
To be spiritual is to be amazed.  

Abraham Joshua Heschel was a Polish-American rabbi and one of the leading Jewish theologians and philosophers of the 20th century.