Group Check-ins

P.I.E.S: Share how you are feeling Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Spiritually/Socially.

Rose, Thorn, Bud: Reflect upon the day: What went well (the “rose”), what didn’t go well (the “thorn”), and what are you looking forward to (the “bud”)?

Highs/Lows: Name the highs and the lows from the day. (In Ignatian spirituality: Where did you feel consolation and where did you feel desolation?)

Save or Savor: What is something you will take with you to work on/reflect on later? What insight will you savor now?

The 3 W’s: Wow, Wonder, Whine
(From Creighton Universities Service Trip Coordinators Resources) Continue reading

Two Minutes in the Hot Seat


This can be a great get-to-know-you icebreaker, but also can work really well later in a group’s development to dive a little deeper.


One person is chosen to be in the “hot seat.” For 2 minutes, everyone in the group asks the person in the “hot seat” questions about themselves (varying in content and depth) and the person answers. After 2 minutes, the person in the “hot seat” chooses someone else in the group to be in the “hot seat” and the process repeats itself until everyone in the group has been in the “hot seat.”

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