Unconditional Love

  • What is unconditional love?
  • How have you experienced unconditional love?
  • Is it difficult for you to receive unconditional love?
  • When have you been dismissive of unconditional love and why?
  • Can you love yourself unconditionally?
  • When have you experienced love in service?

Quotes about love:

“I don’t think you can ever really love yourself.” -Lauren Parsons

“A grace given to you by something greater than yourself.”-Lauren Parsons

“Love what you do for a living.” Veronica Tinajero

“I can’t believe I love him so much.” -Brenda Salgado

What is unconditional love? “I don’t think it exists.” -Jamal Mir

“Forgiveness is a lot about trust.” -Sarah Ryan

“It’s easier to forgive than be forgiven.” -Lauren Parsons

“Unconditional love is like a weed that won’t die.” -Chantell Frazier