Social Inquiry/Pastoral Circle

The three steps to the social inquiry/pastoral circle are:

  • See (look, listen): observation, fact gathering, to look and listen
  • Judge (learn): utilizes socio, economic, political, religious, spiritual, cultural, ethnic, psychological critical analysis to ask reflective questions given the particular reality observed–this is a process of assessment and evaluation where critical learning occurs
  • Act (live): in light of what is seen and “judged,” one acts accordingly, one lives.

The cycle then continues and one returns to Seeing, Judging and Acting in an ongoing process of growth, transformation and deeper movement toward truth (satyagraha) and agapic energy (agape, love). Thus, with respect to nonviolent peacemaking, the above is a continual process of actively loving, deepening rootedness in agape, ahimsa and satyagraha.

Synthesized by Anthony Nicotera, DePaul University, 2003, for “Practice of Peace,” course.


Discussion: It is important to identify and learn how to read the signs of the times. For example, what are the social or economic indicators from this neighborhood? What is the meaning beneath these social or economic indicators? In response, how should we act? Report out and dialogue.