Engaging Your Host Community

Questions to Ask Your Host Site Partners During a Dinner/Reflection

Could Also Be Used for Group Discussion or Journaling

From Joe Holland and Peter Henriot, SJ

  1. What do you notice about our situation here today? What are people experiencing?
  2. What changes have occurred in the past twenty years? What have been the most important events?
  3. What influence does money have in our situation today? Why?
  4. Who makes the most important decisions around here? Why?
  5. What are the most important relationships people have here? Why?
  6. What are the most important traditions of the people? Why?
  7. What do people want most in life? Why?
  8. What will things be like in 10 years if they keep going in the same way? Why?
  9. What are the most important causes of the way things are today? Why?

What to Look For: Keeping Our Eyes and Hearts Open

From Santa Clara University Reflection Resources

  • Signs of hope, courage, humanity, humility
  • Commonality between you and the people you meet/see
  • Depth of political awareness among all we meet
  • How history affects the present
  • Signs of the presence of life
  • How you are challenged by what you see
  • How women experience each reality differently from men
  • Violence and how it affects people’s lives
  • The role of work and what it offers/provides
  • The role of education in people’s lives
  • The availability of schools and difficulty of learning