Ball of Twine/Yarn


  • Ball of twine/yarn

Sit on the floor in a circle with a large ball of twine. The goal is to create a web with the string.  The leader begins by stating things about themselves until they find someone else who shares a similarity. This continues in the group (allowing time to tell stories if desired). As comments are made and similarities are found, the ball of string is tossed to the other side of the circle, while the first person hanging onto the other end of the string. This continues across the circle while each person holds the strings tightly. When the string is completely used, a large web is formed.

Purpose: As we dialogue together and learn more about one another, we grow closer to finding solidarity.  Initially the string was weak and lacked purpose.  Held in a group, it was strong.

Discuss: Interdependence vs. independence

  • How are both necessary in a group setting?
  • How can unequal balance harm the group more than help it?
  • How does interdependence come into play with dialogue in service settings?
  • How does interdependence come into play with solidarity in service settings?