This is an activity best done in pairs.
Complete each of the following sentences and discuss with your partner:
- I am great at…
- I am happiest when…
- I am passionate about…
- The thing that energizes me most is…
- Those whom I work with the closest are…
- When I enter a room full of people, I usually feel…
- I like to be with people when…
- I like to be alone when…
- I am shy when…
- When people depend upon me I…
- My weakest attribute is…
- I get angry when…
- I am afraid of…
- I feel jealous about…
- The emotion I find most difficult to control is…
- When I am rejected I usually…
- To me, belonging is…
- The thing that upsets me most is…
- The attribute in people that really repels me from them is…
- I want people to know that I…
- I generally hide the following about myself…
- My most frequent daydreams are about…
- When I think about the future, I see myself…
- The thing I like best about you is…