The Blessing of Compassion (Pre-Service Immersion)

Adapted from Out of the Ordinary by Joyce Rupp

Each of you have grown in compassion as you have chosen to be servant leaders on a service immersion experience. Compassion, which literally means “shared passion,” holds both beauty and challenge. It is based on the belief that we are united with all beings. Their joy and sorrow is our joy and sorrow because of this deep and intimate connection. To be truly compassionate means to approach another with non-judgment and unconditional love.

At this time we are going to do a special blessing of compassion. I ask that you pair up with someone. You will be asked to place your hand on different parts of their bodies.

Blessing of the forehead: May you have keen insights and think clearly as you seek solidarity with those on the margins you will encounter. May your thoughts be kind and wise as you guide your group. May you reconcile anything in your mind that keeps you from being your true self.

Blessing of the ears: May you be aware of the suffering of those around you, those near and those across borders. May your ears be open to hear and appreciate the cries of distress of those in the community you are so privileged to enter into. May you listen with patience to each group member. May you also hear the melodies of your own goodness and treasure who you are.

Blessing of the mouth: May you have the courage and wisdom to speak up for those who are wronged, to be a voice for those who are voiceless and are suffering from injustice. May you laugh at the absurdities of life and taste life with joy and enthusiasm. May you enter into dialogue with openness and curiosity.

Blessing of the eyes: May you have inner vision to see more clearly the path towards justice and solidarity and not turn away when you see someone in need. May you look upon others with love as you welcome them into your lives. May you open your eyes to appreciate all you are invited to encounter.

Blessing of the hands: May you use your hands to touch all of life with reverence and gratitude. May you be open to receive from others what is unknown to you. May you be ready to reach out when your faith calls you to transcend boundaries and borders to share good news. May you be ready to hold the hands of those you accompany.

Blessing of the skin: May you not be too thick-skinned or thin-skinned as you journey. May your passion for justice get under the skin of those who would oppress and divide. May you reverence and protect the dignity of others no matter what color of skin they have.

Blessing of heart: May you develop awareness of what stirs deep within you. May you be willing to meet your own brokenness and to find consolation in the fact that it is also God suffering with you. May you have a vibrant, compassionate heart, one that is filled with generosity and kindness and a yearning for solidarity.

Blessing of the feet: As you travel through the many ups and downs throughout the week of spring break, may all the places your feet take you lead you to greater transformation and inner freedom. May you develop an even firmer foundation in this journey towards being a Vincentian in Action.

May you always know the shelter of this community when you are feeling confused, uncertain, or overwhelmed.

May you know the joy of the Vincentian community in your care for the least of your brothers and sisters.

May you trust that your faith, spirituality and intuition will guide, protect, and comfort you.

May you be energized and inspired to be both guest and host for those strangers you meet.

And may we send you forth in the spirit of St. Vincent DePaul and Louise de Marillac! You are anointed to be Vincentians in Action. Go lead with love!

As a final sign of solidarity you may choose a candle that you will take with you on your journey. When each of us lights the candle may we remember those who are all over the country with the same mission and vision to love and to serve.

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